February 11, 2022

15 Things we all Need to Remember about Love.


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When we hear this word, the first thing that might come to mind is romance.

But love is everywhere; it’s all around us. And it goes without saying that we can (and should) celebrate it every day.

It’s powerful, beautiful, cathartic. But sometimes, we forget what love is really about. The hustle and bustle of our everyday life often prevents us from experiencing the true meaning of love.

We love the weather, our pets, our family, our job, this book, that movie, this city, our partner, our friend, but more often than not, our love for them is tainted by our incessant thoughts and unruly emotions.

So what is love and what are the most important things we need to remember about it?

Here are 15 things that will always define love for me:

1. Love is forgiveness. Even if we are hurt or doubtful, love gives us the courage to forgive and put behind our bitter feelings

2. Love is freedom. “You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

3. Love is in the details. What’s happening in your world right now? If we love something or someone, we must also love and pay attention to the details.

4. Love is kindness. I love you, which means I’m also kind to you.

5. Love is validation. Love doesn’t underestimate, judge, or belittle. It validates, even when there’s disagreement.

6. Love is being in the moment. It means we are in contact with our state of being and the object of our love.

7. Love is vulnerability. No matter how tough we look on the outside, we’re all vulnerable on the inside—and it’s so damn beautiful.

8. Love is trying. Always. Even if we might fail.

9. Love is tough. But so is everything else in life. Tough doesn’t mean bad; it means normal. It means growth. It means a new day, another chance.

10. Love isn’t perfect. We can still enjoy someone or something in all their imperfections. Clear and imperfect is always better than fake and perfect.

11. Love is making friends with endings. Loss is an inevitable part of life, but when we lose someone or something, it doesn’t mean we stop loving them.

12. Love is making friends with ourselves. Be gentle with yourself—flaws and all.

13. Love is being of service. Any mindful gesture toward what we love is considered the highest act of love.

14. Love is acceptance. I love my plants as they are, in all their seasons and phases.

15. Love is fearlessness. There’s no place for fear when love is present and prevalent.


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author: Elyane Youssef

Image: muhammedsalah_/Instagram