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February 15, 2022

A good life or a whole life it is about being human as you are every step of the way.

I decided to try something I haven’t done before. I added a block to jump on.

One of my weaker areas in moving is in power & speed such as sprinting, flips, jumps, twisting & flying through the air. Trusting momentum & myself is truly challenging for me. Some of my trauma is associated with emotional/physical abuse. I have a deep ingrained lack of belief in myself & feel not worthy a lot. I’m still healing & working on this, to change my limiting beliefs. On a physiological level I’m an endurance athlete. I get better the more I do something & embody it. Some examples are a press in the handstand is much easier for me then quickly jumping into tuck. Another example when I ran the 100m in school 6 times, my first one was 16 secs, my last one was 12-13 secs. My faith in myself & skills some days is not there & my mind often goes off into non believer/question mark mode. This also translates to my every day life too. I’ve had my drivers license since I was 17. In the last few years I got asked to go go-karting & on one of those electric scooters. I got so nervous that I sat & watched the go-karting & walked/rode a bicycle instead of using the scooter, because I couldn’t get out of my head. Owning this truth aloud that I get in my own way is important & remembering being human is complex, doesn’t make sense & is confusing…is all part of it. This I believe also helps us to learn & grow every day, so we can continue to work on ourselves. When we look at the world & what we receive & want to see, we have to first ask ourselves what we give & share? For me I share my inner workings like this because, It helps me to recalibrate into unapologetically being me & owning it. The non preferred, preferred & doesn’t make sense, so I can be a more whole person, have a more whole experience & meet people that actually resonate, see me as I do them. Our whole world is created by what we give & how we respond. Every day I am learning that more & more as I own my truth, heal, live & be a mother. It is not about perfection that makes a good life or a whole life it is about being human as you are every step of the way.

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