Life is meaningless! Meaningless! Utterly meaningless! In fact, everything in life is meaningless. I would have been a millionaire if l collected a penny for every time l hear this or times l have said it to myself. I can relate so much to King Solomon when he concluded that life is meaningless without Christ.
The Bible tells us that King Solomon was the richest man who ever lived and also the wisest ever to live (1kings 4 vs 31) and yet all this will not make him the happiest man on the earth. Solomon searches for happiness as though he was conducting a scientific experiment and it was through this process he discovered that life without Christ is long and fruitless. He is a wise man and because of that he uses all his wisdom to create happiness and fulfilled life without Christ. It is easy to say that Solomon was not content and if you have a quarter of his money you will be so happy and be serving God.
Look at where you are right now! Are you content with the fact that you have a roof over your head, food on your table, clothes, car, and a job or a business? Are you happy with your spouse and your beautiful children? Or you are still waiting for more accomplishments to be happier like Solomon. We need to remember that he did not start like that. He started well when he asked God for wisdom to rule and God also gave him what he did not ask for (1 Kings 3 vs 11) He gave him riches, wealth, and honor and l am sure all this makes him believe he doesn’t need God anymore. Riches can make you arrogant and now added power to it, it can be a very dangerous combination in the hand of anyone without the fear of God. Life without Christ can be very empty and meaningless. Many times l will ask me” what is the purpose of life? When you are younger you will think maybe when you are older and free from your parent discipline and all kind of curfew you will be more happier, that’s why most of us
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