As I traveled, I lived in many different communities with different lifestyles. I discovered permaculture as a missing link of connection for me and a possible solution to many of the world’s problems. Permaculture philosophy is based on ancient agricultural practices and traditions of living in harmony with the earth.
“Permaculture is a powerful holistic tool for designing conscious relationships with everything that surrounds us—Mother Nature, plants, animals, human communities, and all energy that flows in our lives. Our ancestors were using some of these tools to thrive. We can also use these tools to restore Mother Nature and society from the effects of human destruction.”
—Alan Cacao, Engineer, Biodynamics and Permaculture Teacher
Las Cañadas is a beautiful example of a cooperative permaculture project that has been thriving for over ten years. While there, I saw how necessary it is for us to transition to cooperatives and regenerative living.
Cooperatives are an organization of groups or persons working toward a common goal, which could be a farm, network, or project. They are jointly owned and operated and share benefits and proceeds. Typically, cooperatives have a strong commitment to serve their community’s economic, cultural, and social needs. People and organizations using a cooperative model of shared ownership often apply permaculture principles: fair share, earth care, and people care.
I have learned about permaculture by living it at many different regenerative centers, volunteering, and taking hands-on courses. Now my partner and I have created our own 2.5-acre permaculture example, “Fairy Farm” (Finca de las Hadas).
The word “permaculture” was coined by Australian permaculturists Bill Mollison and David Holmgren in the mid-1970s. In its early days, permaculture was described as the “development of a permanent culture to create a foundation of supporting human needs based in harmony with nature. This foundation is rooted in the natural development of surplus or regeneration in your community and environment, rather than settling for sustainability.”
Las Cañadas, located in Veracruz, Mexico, is a cooperative permaculture project with 306 hectares (756 acres) of conservation land and agroforestry serving twenty-one associates and one hundred family members. (You can watch the full video about Las Cañadas on the Regenerate Your Reality website.) It produces all its own resources and is a great example of a completely regenerative project. Las Cañadas is surrounded by other conscientious neighbors who were attracted to the community; today they partake in different activities and attend workshops on-site.
Permaculture focuses on creating solutions through our actions. Permaculture is about noticing the patterns of nature around us and within us. Through it, we can come to know the rhythm of our bodies and the moon. It teaches us to know when we need time for reflection and when we need our community, our tribe.
The relationship between the earth, community, and nature reflects our relationship with ourselves. There are always more improvements and changes to come, but can we be happy exactly where we are and be proud of ourselves for that?
One of our most exciting blessings is the power of choice. We choose what to eat, drink, wear, accept, say, do, make, and buy. We choose with whom we work, play, converse, dance, and date.
With a plenitude of options in everything, it’s sometimes difficult to make an intentional choice these days. As you consciously consume foods, clothing, and other retail products, ask yourself: Is your choice a great one for you, your family, and the planet? If you are unsure about the environmental consequences of your actions and lifestyle choices—research, discover, learn, unlearn, dig—and then choose.
If what you read here resonates with you, consider buying Book Regenerate Your Reality, your regenerative living guide:
Thank you so much for reading! If you don’t know the project, Regenerate Your Reality uses permaculture, agroforestry, and education to bring sovereignty and happiness to our communities. It is our mission to restore the relationship between humans and the earth and build a regenerative future. Share the mission and learn more at
Bio: Jean Pullen is a multi-talented artist, gardener, cook, musician, writer, and entrepreneur. Jean is founder of Regenerate Your Reality, partner & director at Jungle Project, and a Soil Advocate at Kiss the Ground. Jean believes we can be part of the solution to the climate crisis, and that we all can play our part by living regeneration and coming back to our essence of love.
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