February 15, 2022

This is what Tending to our Hearts & Souls looks Like.


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This week hasn’t been my favorite week.

I’ve really felt the overwhelm of life. Just because it went bad, doesn’t mean it was never good. And just because it turned out “wrong,” doesn’t mean it wasn’t right. This is what I am learning.

In times like this, we need to give more credit to ourselves for the ways our lives are enriched—for the ways we’ve helped ourselves grow and for the ways we’ve made our lives better.

Sometimes, we do not want to look for the silver lining or talk about how “everything happens for a reason.”

Sometimes, we simply want to sit down with the challenges, look them in the eye, and acknowledge why they’re there without assigning them some universal meaning. This week, I wanted that so badly.

However, it is what it is. We all are disappointed at some point—like I am now with life.

But it’s okay to not be okay. And it’s okay to press pause—to truly pause. In fact, it is necessary.

Taking a pause does not mean we are missing out or we are being forgotten or life is passing us by. It means we are breathing, grieving, processing, learning, evolving, growing, nourishing, and recalibrating to be our best selves. It means we stopped to see the delights we thought had disappeared years ago and that which we thought we missed, but are still there.

It means we are tending to our hearts and souls, pulling the weeds, watering the flowers, breathing in the good sh*t, and exhaling the bullsh*t.

We are alive, we are alive, we are alive.

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Rhyanna Watson  |  Contribution: 28,440

author: Rhyanna Watson

Image: giuliajrosa/Instagram

Editor: Juliana Otis