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February 6, 2022

Tips To Keep You Healthier at Work

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on Pexels.

Your health and well-being are very important factors of your work experience. It helps you stay in top condition, which helps you work better. Working while you’re not healthy can also lead to burnout, which is a very serious issue.

1. Maximizing activity

Instead of sending emails to your co-worker or keeping a larger bottle, maybe run down the hallway and talk to them. Go refill your water, and track your steps with a pedometer. The more you make yourself active in the workplace, the less risk there is of a sedentary lifestyle. Keeping yourself active can help you with avoiding issues such as muscular and body pain which are commonly associated with a desk job.

2. Maintaining a work-life balance

It’s very important to keep a balance in your life. You need to have enough rest on the weekends, and enough time for your personal activities as well. This helps keep you safe from exhaustion and burnout. Compromising your personal life and rest time for work can lead to work that is not up to quality, as well as frustration towards your job. This can create a nasty web of issues that take a toll on your mental health.  It’s important to try and keep things organized. You should have parts of the day reserved for yourself, and for work. This will help you keep track of things, as well as keep everything balanced. Having a routine helps.

3. Not working over time

It’s important to know what your limit is when it comes to work. Working extra hours has become a popular trend in today’s work culture, but this comes with dangerous risks. It can cause fatigue, exhaustion, lack of sleep, and other kinds of issues as well. It’s important to leave the workplace when it’s time to, and not work any longer than you can.  Overworking is a serious issue and it can lead to severe burn out or workplace fatigue. This not only affects your ability to work, but also your general mood. When you’re always tired, you don’t have the mental capacity to take care of yourself. This can create a nasty downward spiral.

4. Investing in glasses

If eye strain is something that you suffer from at work, then reading glasses may be something you want to invest in. This is because most jobs require us to sit in front of computers each day, and for very long hours. This can cause a lot of strain on your eyes if they aren’t used to it, and even if they are, the long-term effects are still damaging. A pair of reading glasses, or other protective gear which prevents eye strain, can be a very worthwhile investment.

5. Going out for lunch breaks

If you have your breaks at your office, it might be a good idea to go out for a walk as you eat. This can be a great way of staying in shape, as well as de-stressing. Staying in one environment for a long time can cause fatigue, but going out for a breath of fresh air can make more of a difference than you’d realize.

A tiny walk, even one of 10 minutes, can have a great impact on your mental health. Getting out for some fresh air is something that helps ground you back in reality, and helps you get out of your own head. Even standing up to stretch helps a lot.

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