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February 22, 2022

What Can You Expect During Marriage Counseling?

Photo by Megapixelstock on Pexels.

Title: What Can You Expect During Marriage Counseling?


Couples often avoid marital therapy. Why? Because it can provoke anxiety. People usually think they can deal with whatever happens on their own. Including the third person won’t make it any better. That’s what they believe. So why confess to someone you even don’t know, right? Knowing what to expect and how it can help you will prepare you for this experience to truly benefit from this journey.

When is marriage counseling worth considering?

When you face a problem in your marriage for a long time, you feel you have tried almost everything and failed. It can be everything: fights about money, children, everyday life, jealousy, cheating, priorities, and much more. You name it.

Especially now during the pandemic, we spend so much time together. Almost 24/7 (sometimes also with kids). This can be a beautiful thing, but also it can test your marriage. Some couples won’t pass this test, and you know what? It’s ok because there are many ways to repair what’s broken or spark the flame again.

Will this marriage counseling really work?

You can get a lot out of marriage counseling. It’s hard work, and both partners need to participate, but it pays off in the end. You learn about your relationship and how to make it healthier. You also know about your partner and what is even more critical about yourself.

Many people seek help before their marriage starts to fall apart. You can benefit from therapy as an individual. Still, many couples seek therapy when it’s a bit easier to work things out at the beginning of their marriage. You are just entering a new reality.

Marriage counseling helps you build new foundations, develop healthy communication, set boundaries, and learn how to navigate life when things get rough.

Couples therapy will help you when you want to improve your marriage. Maybe you feel that your needs are not being met, you lost trust or lust. All may happen. The most important thing is that you want to change this and work things out.

Sometimes also, you may feel stuck as a couple and repeat the same pattern or conversation repeatedly. Therapy creates a safe space for you and your feelings. You can share and be emotional. It’s nothing terrible. You can really show what is eating you alive without frustration and anger. The therapist is leading the session. They ask questions, sometimes just listening and giving you space to be vulnerable or just listen to the other person and acknowledge their feelings.

What can you learn during marriage counseling?

  • express your thoughts and feelings better,
  • listen actively to the other person,
  • uncover the real cause or causes of your marriage issues,
  • improve closeness, intimacy, and connection,
  • support another person (how but also when),
  • how to argue healthily,
  • anger and frustration management.

Therapy will help you figure things out, but it won’t do the whole work for you. Both of you need to be present, self-aware, open, and participate. In order for therapy to work, you both must believe it will. Otherwise, it won’t be successful. Ask yourself, “what can I actively do to change? What CAN my relationship look like after therapy?”

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