February 14, 2022

How to Keep Dust, Pollution & Bacteria from Traveling deep into our Lungs. {Partner}

This article is written in partnership with FEND—they’re dedicated to making health and airway hygiene easier than ever (naturally)—we’re honored to work with them. ~ ed.

I’ll never forget the day someone told me I’m “abrasive.”

I know I’ll never forget because, apparently, I’ve told my husband the story about 100 times. (It has become a running joke in our house.)

Yep, I’m a “hold-er on-er” when it comes to the intangible, emotional, icky stuff. But, when it comes to health, hygiene, and cleanliness, I’m a different breed. I don’t want any dust bunnies, stuffy noses, clogged airways, dried-up, leftover toothpaste on the lid—none of it.

And now that I’m about to be a mother in a world currently über-vigilant of germs and other yuck, keeping my body (and blueberry-sized baby) safe and healthy feels more important than ever.

So, when I heard there was a science-backed nasal mist, FEND, designed to cleanse airways (think: dust, pet dander, pollution, bacteria) and lower the number of exhaled particles by up to 99% for up to six hours, I was left…breathless.

(No wonder it was TIME magazine’s 2020 invention of the year.)

Breathe better. Breathe easy. Click here to try FEND for yourself (code EJ10 for 10% off) >>

A New Hygiene Tool That Stops Airborne Particles in Their Tracks

If you’re like me, you’re probably wondering, “what makes FEND different from the nasal spray I grabbed from CVS 2 years ago?” The answer: well, everything—more specifically, how it functions, the experience, and the results.

Let’s get nerdy for a minute, shall we? 

The scientists at FEND discovered that, “The same salts you can find out in the ocean, or by the sea, are incredibly effective at cleaning the air you breathe. All you’ve got to do is breathe them in.”

Breathe clean air & stay hydrated wherever you go—with FEND >>

“Okay, but what exactly does FEND do?”

>> supercharges your body’s natural ability to clean the air we breathe

>> prevent foreign particles from traveling deep into our lungs

>> decreases the particles you expel back out into the air

Using a gentle, ultrafine mist made from a precise blend of hydrating salts, FEND strengthens your upper airways’ natural ability to clean the air you breathe—preventing dirty air from traveling deep into your lungs or back out into the environment.

I’m going to hand the mic over to a FEND user real quick:

“I am an RN and use my fend at least 2x a day and will continue to recommend it to my colleagues and patients.” ~ Jeanne M.

Think of it like this: when it comes to optimal recovery times (hey, athletes, this is for you) or the battle against troubled breathing, snoring, allergies, and congestion…the lungs = the MVP quarterback. And in this case, FEND is our trusty “offensive line.”

“Love the personal health benefits! But why does decreasing the particles we expel back out into the air matter?”

When we exhale, we release thousands of particles into the air, which crosses paths with all the people we come into contact with on any given day—in a restaurant, at work or school, on public transportation, or a crowded elevator.

So, if we were able to reduce the number of particles we exhale into the environment by as much as 99%, we could dramatically minimize others’ exposure to possible particle contaminants (think: flu, colds, stomach bugs).

Want to breathe easier? FEND has your lungs covered >>

Aside from the mist’s soothing effect, we are keeping ourselves and others healthy and safe. This matters (we’ve recently learned just how much so), my friends, and is an essential new tool in the hygiene routine of moms, travelers, athletes, lovers of someone who snores, allergy-havers—every human.

Another thing that jumped out at me? The fact that this device was created by Dr. David Edwards—a Harvard scientist. Even the biggest of nay-sayers can appreciate and understand a title like that. (Yeah, we’re not messin’ with some run-of-the-mill plastic neti-pot from CVS.)

Simply inhale the gentle, ocean-like mist…

deeply and slowly through the nose a few times per day.

Again, don’t just take it from me, here’s the experience of another fierce FEND-er:

“I FEND at least daily. I love it for the protection I feel & effect it has on clearing my nose out in the morning. Feels like a no brainer at this point—especially as it helps reduce particle spread.” ~ Scott Johnson

And, as my coworker, Marisa, would say, “It’s nice that you don’t have to jam something up your nose to offer comfort and protection.” Nobody likes that. 

Additionally, as someone who gets particularly frustrated and turned off by labels that contain ingredients that make zero sense and can’t be pronounced, I truly appreciated FEND’s short-but-sweet ingredient list: water, calcium, sodium.

Boom. That’s it. Nothin’ else.

Eat. Sleep. FEND. Repeat. Get your hand-held mister for 10% OFF when you use code EJ10 >>

Scientists describe FEND as “a calcium-fortified hygiene mist that strengthens your body’s natural ability to trap particles and cleanse your airways through salts and hydration.”

I’m not that fancy. I would say this: it’s a brilliant, salty trifecta—ingredients we can actually pronounce—which strengthen our body‘s natural ability to do what it already does…but better.

It might not clean up my potty mouth, but in today’s world, even the saltiest of us have to admit that the promise of better breathing and ingesting fewer unwanted particles is well worth a spritz or two.

A Science-Backed Approach to Breathing Better.


With its minimal and convenient design, FEND is a simple way to make airway hygiene part of your daily routine to stay healthy – whether you’re at home, work, or on the go.
Shop Now
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author: Kate Force