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March 6, 2022

Does Sitting Long Hours Cause Hemorrhoids?

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on Pexels.

Hemorrhoids, also called piles, are a health condition experienced by many people. Hemorrhoids are simply the swelling of the lower rectum and anus. This condition occurs internally inside the rectum or under the skin around the anus region. The former is internal hemorrhoids, and the latter is referred to as external hemorrhoids.

This condition is more common than many people think as it affects a larger percentage of adult populations. If noticed in the beginning, medication may resolve the issue, but by the time it grows to the point where it becomes painful, urgent medical attention will be required.

How Extended Sitting May Cause Hemorrhoids

There have been reports that extended sitting may trigger hemorrhoids in individuals, and this claim is true. But understand why that is, you would have to know the direct link between your sitting posture and this medical condition.

The first thing you need to note is that there are blood vessels around the rectum and anus regions that are very flexible. If one or more of these veins become inflamed, hemorrhoids will be the direct consequence. But what causes inflamed veins? The simple answer is pressure. When pressure is applied to the veins, they stretch out, which causes blood to engorge. So veins that once allowed the smooth passage of blood will no longer function as well, leading to severe pains. So one of the root causes of hemorrhoids is the pressure which best explains why pregnant women tend to suffer from the condition due to the weight of the babies they carry.

Sitting Complications Explained

When it is caused by sitting, it is clear to see why. Each time you sit, the pressure of your weight causes the buttocks to spread open and the veins by extension. This spread causes the veins to spread out, and the longer they remain in this position, the more elastic they will become. This prolonged state may cause vein rupture, which will then metamorphose into hemorrhoids.

Furthermore, if you already have mild hemorrhoids, sitting for several hours at a time will inflame the affected veins, but if you don’t sit at all, that will worsen the condition as well. If the chair is too hard, it will place the veins under more pressure, and the same is the case if you sit on the toilet for too long. This is because when you sit on a toilet seat and push for too long, it forces the veins to expand, which may worsen the condition.

How To Avoid Hemorrhoids?

There are ways you can avoid hemorrhoids if you practice safe habits and avoid sitting or standing for too long. If you must sit in front of your computer to work, take the time to stand and stretch your legs. Too can also engage in regular exercise to reduce risks of vein inflammation. Any exercise that will boost blood flow will help the condition heal.

So if you’ve always wondered if sitting causes hemorrhoids, now you know what to do to prevent it. However, if the pain becomes unbearable, go and see a doctor.

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