Surely, we’ve all heard the phrase “high-vibe.” While it’s definitely a buzzword (or words, we suppose) let’s take a moment and dive into what “high-vibe” actually means. Our vibrational level – our vibe – is the strength in our energy. It’s about knowing our edges and our true self. How we bring more of our own unique brand of Queenliness into the world depends on our vibe, and before we can share with others, we have to make sure we’re vibing high. So, what the heck does that mean and how do we do it?
We vibe high when we elevate ourselves, mind, body and spirit. When we shine our light and stay in pleasure. When we’re living high-vibe, we’re able to fully inhabit our Queendom. Our crowns will sparkle brightly on each of our gorgeous heads for all to see when we choose to live a high-vibe lifestyle. We think that sounds absolutely fabulous – how about you?
When we know how to raise our vibe, we will be sashaying down the path of our Queendom with a spring in our step and love in our heart. Raising our vibe starts in our own mind. Our mind is in charge of the stories we tell ourselves; therefore, we start vibing high by being kind to our mind. This kindness starts with finding our own natural balance. True equilibrium is about letting ourselves get messy. We’d go so far as to say it’s important to get messy, to explore ourselves and dig deep into the mud. From here, we can then find our return to center. It benefits us all to remember: Queens, ‘perfection’ is a myth. When we strive for perfection, all we do is risk knocking our crowns off our beautiful heads. When we live our authentic truth and share our juiciness in all its occasionally messy, honest glory with those around us, we are sharing our real selves and standing in our power. Giving ourselves space and time to find our balance is essential to maintaining a high vibe.
And here’s something really delicious: when our vibe is high, more pleasure is ours for the taking. When we’re in a state of high vibration, we’re more open to abundance, opportunities, and more fun! Because like attracts like, we draw all sorts of wonderful things to us when we’re vibing high. (This goes for our businesses, too!) Being a Queen is all about living a high-vibe life – it’s our Queenly birthright.
Now of course, sometimes, life happens, and something might knock us off-center. But there’s no need to panic if we find ourselves off balance. Panic is for peasants, and we are Queens! All we need to do is find the rituals, practices, and people that bring us back to feeling like our best, juiciest, high-vibing selves. And, we’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: create a list of what helps you feel yummy. The easiest way we can know what will bring our vibe back up to its natural, royal level is by having a list of things that bring us joy and comfort. Maybe it’s a walk in nature or curling up on the sofa with a good book. Perhaps it’s calling our heart-sisters and meeting at our favorite brunch spot. We especially like listening to playlists of songs that make us want to dance so we can boogie around the kitchen while we make dinner. Our high-vibe lists will all look different – although we’re sure chocolate will be on everyone’s list, right?
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I keep my vision board on the desktop of my computer and post-it notes of whatever keeps me feeling fabulous and raises my vibe. I turn to this list often when I need a boost, and it has things like gardening, baths, music, hugs, chocolate, calling my “sparkly” people, sex, and dancing. In no particular order.
Aside from the obvious chocolate, two of my greatest high vibe things to do are karaoke to sing my heart out, and dancing in the kitchen, shower, or anywhere my body feels the call … especially with salsa or reggae. It gets my blood pumping and my energy rising!
Lady Queens, let’s all take a moment today to write a list of things that bring comfort and boost our vibes when we’re feeling low. And let’s share ideas by sharing our top three high-vibe activities in the comments! Everyone can benefit from having a list of things that raises their vibe and make them feel royal, so for any Mighty Kings reading this, consider this your invite to get in on the fun and make a list, too!
Let’s keep rocking those royal vibes!
Stay connected, juicy, and playful, and we’ll see you next time.
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