March 19, 2022

Never Miss a Monday: 6 Daily Practices to Begin your Week with a Bang.


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Mondays have a feel to them, don’t they?

You wake up every Monday and your body is fully aware that it’s the start of a new week, a chance to wipe the slate clean and begin anew.

The mind has to try extra hard not to wear Mondays like a heavy cloak—instead, the task is to switch your perspective on what Mondays really translate to: a chance to make this week better than the last.

Since my youth, I’ve been an early riser. I literally don’t know any other way to live. Sleeping in for me seems like such a foreign concept, and frankly, I thrive best when I’m up before the crack of dawn. This is my opportunity to have complete silence and take care of my needs.

Here are six practices that I take on each day (especially Mondays) to ensure that I set a positive tone for the week ahead:

1. Listen to uplifting music.

This one is nonnegotiable, in my humble opinion. The power of music and what it can do for your mind, body, and soul is absolutely electric and awe-inspiring. Begin each day with tunes that rock your world. Sing, dance, smile, repeat.

2. Take your time getting ready each morning.

I wake up before 5 a.m. every single day, and each morning, I take at least 25 to 30 minutes to wash up, put on my best face, and coordinate my outfit for the day. Credit goes to my beautiful mother who always tells me to “put on some lipstick”—because it brightens up my face and completes my look. And I don’t go a day without a little makeup. When you look good, you feel good.

3. Make yourself a cup of coffee or tea and have a light snack before you leave the house.

If you aren’t a coffee or tea drinker, any beverage will do, but always have a little “something” in your belly so you don’t leave the house ravenous and cranky. Also, drink at least 16 ounces of water (two cups) first thing in the morning to get your system going. Stay hydrated during the day, and do your best not to skip meals. A fed body leads to a functional mind.

4. Journal or read or write or draw or paint or…you get the picture.

I believe that every human being should have a hobby or creative outlet. It’s so vital to turn to something that can give you a sense of accomplishment and joy. I love to write, dance, sing, read, and journal. I am consistently doing a mixture of all of these things and I have to admit, my life is happier because of it. Life is full of so many wonderful artforms—find what moves you, work on it diligently, and watch your life take on a whole new meaning!

5. Pray or recite mantras on the regular.

I’m a spiritual person and I have an old soul. I firmly believe in the power of prayer and what it can do for your spirit. Every morning, I pray and recite blessings. Every day, I repeat powerful mantras that have gotten me through some of the most heart-wrenching experiences of my life. These powerful words of wisdom have taken me to the greatest places. I have finally found my confidence, my peace, and my faith. Consistency is key.

6. Find something to smile or laugh about. 

With all the horrific things that are happening around the globe, it’s so essential to find the happy moments in life. Surround yourself with happy people. Watch comedy shows. Laugh at yourself for making mistakes. Simply be joyful for being alive and being able to experience the beauty of life on Earth.

I know that whenever I have an out-of-control, fantastic belly-laugh, I am instantly catapulted into a place of utter joy and contentment. The body, mind, and spirit are in total harmony.

These are my top six daily practices, and perhaps you too can derive some enjoyment from this list.

So, never miss a Monday. 

Begin each week with bang and watch how your life explodes with goodness, flair, and vitality!


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author: Stephanie Mezei

Image: lauraklinke_art/instagram

Editor: Lisa Erickson