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March 12, 2022

Queen it, claim it: your initiation.

Lady Queens, here’s a question for us all:

Are we ready to open up to new versions of ourselves?

What does that version look like? Let’s close our eyes and imagine in our minds’ eye what we look like, what we’re feeling, how we experience life, where we’re going, where we live and what we’re doing. Be as detailed as you want – visualise and connect with the version of yourself that you desire to embody. As we begin to align with that vision of our desires, we will start claiming our crown.

Claiming our crown allows us to Queen It in life! We claim our crown through the choices we make – choices that empower us, choices that allow us to be heard, choices that acknowledge our voice. This may sound selfish or self-important, but self-care is the practice that allows us to connect to our wisdom. Connecting to our wisdom allows us to lovingly guide those around us toward a win-win for all involved, like the magnificent Queens we are. This starts with the choices we make and the actions we take. And of course, visualising a new version of our desires and claiming our crown starts with coming back to ourselves.

Often what allows us to come back to ourselves is something ritualistic, something pleasurable, something that is about connection to our bodies.

Rituals are the route to a sacred connection to our being. Water in rituals feels particularly sweet for us as women.

The definition of “ritual” is “characteristic of a rite, practice or observation that you do regularly.” Rituals are used to honour. In this instance, we are talking about something we can use as our Queendom Initiation. While this may all sound a bit “woo,” we ask you to stay curious and keep an open mind. Being open and using water allows us to encourage a deeper connection to our emotions and the feminine psyche. Think about it – water is the most similar to women, with its ability to adapt and shift and fit its purpose in any given scenario. When you as a woman can embrace water in your life, in you, on you, or around you, it’s symbolic of connecting to your emotional power.


You know when you can ease into a warm bath, no one needs you or will come get you or disturb you – that time is sacred. Your mind slows and opens and your breathing deepens and you let go! These moments are a truly feminine check-in. 


My bath time often looks like a ritual. I have a series of things I do before I get in the bath: body brush, Argan oil on my hair, clay face mask, magnesium oil all over my body, a rose quartz crystal, salts, and sometimes flowers in my bath. Halfway through, I will sink into the bath and just be present to my body, feel how she feels, feel what she needs … feel myself relaxing and surrendering any muscle tension, too many thoughts, old emotions from the day. It is a systematic unwinding and I love every second of it. I care for my body, scrub and clean her, and wash my hair. Then I clean the bath after and place everything back so when I go to have another bath, I am ready to go! 


My favourite baths have been using wild water, like fresh spring water – for some reason I feel even more sweetly held and cleansed and recharged. 


Have you ever had a moment when you are truly yourself, no distractions, no interruptions, just you?  There have been a few of those moments for me in the shower. I have my music on, dancing away, in my birthday suit, no clothes/makeup/hairdo, no-one to impress, and I can act/be me. Then I close my eyes and, in the darkness, with sounds of the shower running and nothing to disturb my moment, I often have the most amazing thoughts, visions, and insights. Now that is a testament to being in your true self and we should strive for those fun yet profound, present moments like these.

Now, Lady Queens, our ideas of water rituals might look different. We have a ritual we love that we do over in our program and on our Instagram (come find us over there if you want to see!), but as long as we choose whatever feels right for us individually, we’re on to a winner.

And once you have completed your ritual, allow us to say:

Welcome, Queen, to your Queendom.

Stay juicy, connected, and playful, and we’ll see you next time!

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