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March 9, 2022

The Importance of Art | Edmond Ritter

Art is more than just a way to express yourself. It carries with it the ability to make people happy, inspire creativity, and change lives. As an art teacher in Philadelphia, I see this every day. The kids who come into my classroom are often struggling with their identity or have been told that they are not creative enough by others. Some of them can’t even draw stick figures! But when we sit down together and create something beautiful out of nothing but some pencils and paper, they find beauty in themselves too. And it is through this beauty that they begin to see their worth.

It is a well-known fact that art has the power to influence society; however, what you might not know are the specifics of how it does so. Art and artists have the ability to effect change on both individual and societal levels — representing specific issues in their mediums of choice or communicating messages through various forms of media. For example, Banksy’s stenciled street art pricked up the public’s awareness of illegal animal poaching with his famous “Killed for a Cure” piece. In another example, Ai Weiwei inspired countless others by continuing his work after imprisonment by Chinese authorities: “I became an artist somehow because I wanted to express myself…if I don’t express my feeling one day…I feel everything is so meaningless,” Ai states. This is important because “art affects our society [by] creating new culture and values for many generations to come.”

With that said, there can be a thin line between good art that influences positively and art that does the opposite. During World War II, the Holocaust Museum stated that Hitler used art to promote his ideologies — which included anti-Semitism and xenophobia — through intricate paintings and large-scale sculptures. In another example, an architecture firm created a proposal for rebuilding areas of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina; however, it was deemed too structurally similar to the World Trade Center’s twin towers following 9/11, due to its slanted roofs and steel construction. Art can both inspire as well as offend, and it is up to the society who receives this art as to how it will affect them.

Art affects all people regardless of race, gender, or age — everyone can appreciate an artistic masterpiece of some sort. People seek out art for many reasons: to escape reality for a few hours, to learn about new and important concepts/themes/ideas, etc. The “Vietnam War Memorial” by Maya Lin is one perfect example: allowing veterans with PTSD an opportunity to relive their experiences in a positive way through reflection on the sleek walls which represented those lost in battle.

These are just a few examples of why art affects our society and the different ways its influence may be received. In conclusion, art is a powerful way to promote change in our world and society. It may influence both positively and negatively, but regardless it always has some type of impact — whether it be on a person or society as a whole.

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