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March 7, 2022

The key to being able to maintain a good relationship is communication

Photo by Christina Morillo on Pexels.

For me the hardest thing is understanding other people especially when that person is not easy to understand or stubborn. Understanding them day by day, knowing their true nature and trying to adapt ourselves to them is not an easy thing.

It must be admitted that everyone has their own flaws. Sometimes even the people we are dealing with are often not aware of their flaws and just want us to understand them. If we still want to maintain that relationship in order to last long, it is often we who have to give up to be able to adjust to their nature.

It’s not an easy thing to do, especially if the person is provoking or doesn’t want to care about our opinion or just wants us to just listen to them or just obey them. It’s also not easy to be patient while that person is constantly testing our patience.

It all comes back to us, to our intentions towards that person. What do we want for our relationship with that person? Are we going to continue to be able to deal with that person? Or do we choose to give up and stop trying to understand that person.

Maintaining good relations is not easy. Not all days will be good. Our emotions will also not always be good and continue to be able to understand that person because sometimes we ourselves also have issues that we have to deal with.

In my opinion, at the end of the day, the key is communication. If both want to establish a good relationship and want the relationship to last long, then it would be wise if they both communicate and share with each other. If there is a problem that makes one party uncomfortable, then it is better to convey it and find the best solution because relationships are built by two or more people and there are many things to think about, not just emotions.

Both must also be able to understand each other and accept each other’s flaws. Adjusting to each other and trying to be able to forgive mistakes and improve each other if both really want everything to run smoothly. All of that will not be easy but if both have good intentions, then in the end there will be good results for all of it.

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