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March 14, 2022

The Most Popular TED Talks About Art and Culture

It doesn’t matter what language you speak, art is a universal tongue by which human beings have always expressed themselves and made poignant statements. Art in its different mediums is used to unite families, protest wars, and express love for nature.

Every artist learns as they practice that art is more than an activity. Some might call it magic when inspiration hits or when a piece turns out better than they’d expected. This magic becomes stronger when a piece is shared and complete strangers can relate to it.

Here are some great TED Talks about art and culture.

A journey through the mind of an artist

Those who do not practice art can think of it as sorcery. How can a human being like them can create beautiful things with such ease? But this is not true; the gift of creating doesn’t come without practice.

In this excellent TED Talk, sculptor Dustin Yellin explains the growth of an artist. An artist is a child who has not stopped playing; their play now takes the form of art.

How film transforms the way we see the world

The invention of film and photography changed the perspective of the world. Truths were discovered and changes made. Perhaps the most significant change is that women could use their voices.

Podcasts, films, and television shows give women opportunities to tell their stories. In turn, this inspires the women watching to speak up. Learn more in this TED Talk by documentarian Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy.

Frida Kahlo: The woman behind the legend

Mexican painter Frida Kahlo is an inspiration to women all over the world who have used art to tell their stories. In this TED Talk, Iseult Gillespie offers us a picture of the woman behind the paintings.

She explains how an accident in 1925 inspired many of Kahlo’s famous pieces, proving that tragedy can be used to bring about beautiful things.


Art will always be the universal way to ensure that our messages are heard. It’s a great cure for anxiety and a way to capture important events. These TED Talks help us to understand how art shapes the world we live in.

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