March 15, 2022

The Most Underrated Emotion: Happiness.

“The most beautiful moments in life are moments when you are expressing your joy, not when you are seeking it.” ~ Sadhguru


Our entire life revolves around searching, seeking, and finding that one thing that not only lives within us, but we also have the power to create: happiness.

Joy is the pathway to happiness. As Rumi says, “What you seek is seeking you.”

The happiness that we search for is within. It’s only waiting for an open expression from us, and that expression comes from little moments of joy and laughter.

And we, as humans, undervalue this emotion.

Joy doesn’t come from doing or not doing anything. It flows from our being.

To experience joy, we need to “be joyful.” It’s a way of being.

Our basic nature is to move toward pleasure, i.e we are inherently joyful and gentle.

Haven’t you seen babies? Haven’t you seen how immensely joyful and effervescent they are?

That’s how we are born—with love and joy inside of us that radiate outside.

Yet, as we begin to assume the adult form, we diminish our own light. Sometimes, it’s due to forces outside of us, and sometimes, it’s because of what’s happening inside of us.

When our light dims, so does our capacity for joy.

And that’s when we begin searching for it outside. Therefore, we become a part of an unending quest for something that seems utopian.

While pain is a given, suffering isn’t. And even when we are suffering or are in pain, it’s these moments of joy and laughter that make us come alive.

It’s only when we drop the weight of the “shoulds,” “musts,” and “haves” that we breathe.


Hearted by


When we breathe, we realise we are alive. And when we realise we are alive, we allow ourselves to be.

This little, yet immensely powerful, emotion flows from that being.

Joy doesn’t come from “doing” something. It comes from embracing who we are and listening to our own inner voice that knows where we are and what we need from ourselves and the world. (And it’s not dependent on the world for fulfillment because it knows it’s enough.)

Joy flows from letting go of what’s not serving you and from accepting yourself in your full glory and extending the same to others and the world.

It’s your being that lets you look at the sky and the stars with awe.

It lets you feel the cool breeze on your face.

It lets you watch the clouds go by and reminds you that what matters is now.

Your being lets you witness the miracles of nature in all their glory and reminds you that you are a tiny speck in this vast universe that is filled with multitude of possibilities.

It’s your being that lets you shine light on your pain and suffering and derive meaning out of it.

Your being forms the connection between you and your higher self that knows what you want and the way forward.

It’s your being that lets you embrace with grace what you cannot change and gently nudges you into creation.

And experiencing and creating moments of joy connects you to your being.

So what brings you joy?

What fills your heart with laughter and awe?

What makes you come alive?

What would become possible for you, if you just allowed yourself to be?

As Sadhguru says, “If you depend on the outside to bring joy to you, you need to understand, the outside never happens 100% the way you want it. When this is the reality, at least this one person—you—must happen the way you want it to be. If you did happen the way you want yourself to be, the very natural choice is joy. That is not something that you have to pursue. If you fall back into your original nature, joyfulness is the only way you will be.”

There is immense power in simply being. Your being that is filled with light and joy. All you need to do is let yourself be, and that’s when you step into it.



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author: Damini Grover

Image: Dmitriy Ganin/Pexels

Editor: Elyane Youssef