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March 22, 2022

What we see sometimes is not the real thing

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.

Trying to make someone understand, if that person basically doesn’t want to try to understand, it will be useless. No matter how hard you try to make that person understand your purpose for doing something, but they don’t want to accept it, in the end it will all be of no use.
We live in a world not alone. We obviously need the help of others. But the problem is, can we learn to respect them? I agree that in this world not everyone is sincere, but that also doesn’t mean that everyone is bad right? Sometimes we can even mistakenly think that what we see as good is not.
Today I discussed with a friend. Some time ago, he wanted me to read this girl but I refused. He told me this person was incredibly awesome, but I just said that I didn’t want to make any judgments or assumptions before I spoke to that person.
Somehow the story, suddenly this girl reach me. I don’t know what fate made her do that. At first she was really look amazingly awesome. But somehow, I just sensed that she was just faking.
From how she behaves, how she talks and how she expresses things, somehow I feel that this girl is not like what people say. After several encounters, unconsciously and maybe she didn’t realize it, it was enough for me to understand her personality.
Never judge someone by first meeting, first appearance, first impression. Sometimes what we see, is not necessarily the real thing, it could be that the person is deliberately portraying it.
As time passed, that girl finally showed her true nature. She is smart and unfortunately she uses her intelligence for bad things. To this day I still play her game, I just want to know how long she wants to do such stupid things.
If she still wants to be friends with me, my intention is only one even though I know it will take a long time, but she must know that what she is doing, is not a good thing. She’s still very young and she can do much better than that. Don’t ruin someone else’s life just because she knows that her intelligence allows her to do that, because everything has a price.

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