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March 12, 2022

What will you let die in order to be reborn?

Lady Queens, on any journey, we need to know where and who we are right now, as well as where and who we were before. This will allow us to know who we’re becoming and where we’re going. What can we choose to let die in order to let our bountiful Queendom be born?

It’s a good idea to start by being aware of where we are when it comes to our rituals for self-care. We can ask ourselves questions like:

“What is my non-negotiable daily self-care practice?”

“What can I add to my day to improve the shape of my self-care?”

“What else needs to die in my life for me to really live the life I desire?”

“Am I ready to open up to a new version of myself?”

Remembering we have choices for who we are and what we represent means we are all-powerful when it comes to knowing ourselves, our bodies, and where we’re at. Getting clear answers is about knowing and loving our bodies. Knowing and loving our bodies is about being IN our bodies, moving them through dance, yoga or walking, anything that can help us stay present. This can also create an appreciation for our palatial vessels. (We’re getting fancy now; we’re talking about our bodies.)

What it comes down to is showing love for ourselves. We all have things we can do for ourselves that lift our energies and fill our spirits. We can make lists of things we do, places we love, items we adore that change our vibe. Things like listening to music, eating a piece (or several pieces) of chocolate, talking to an uplifting friend, or receiving a hug. All of those can bring joy and get our heads out of old habits that have us vibing low. Are we ready for those parts to die?

Another aspect that could do with a spring clean is understanding the way we talk to ourselves regarding who we are as a person, as a woman and how we exist in this lifetime. We have choices there as well. How we talk to ourselves has an impact on who we are. And old ways of talking to ourselves might be ready to die now, too.

Stay juicy, connected and playful, and we’ll see you next time.

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