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What was your childhood dream?
Disclaimer: I want to reflect on those dreams that drove us to who we are today, to reflect on the growth we made, and the way our dreams have evolved over the years.
We may not have become what we envisioned as children, but I know we have become older, wiser, and better because of those dreams. And we have even begun to dream of bigger and better dreams.
When I was young, I remember a few dreams. The main dream I remember was to be a storyteller, a writer. I used to spend hours and hours standing in front of my grandmother spewing out stories. Some that did not make any sense. Some that were complete nonsense. But I enjoyed the process. The ability to create a world or to go on a crazy adventure. It was such a joy to tell stories and see my grandmother’s grin.
Being a writer has been and is still my main dream. But like many dreams, it has had its obstacles, it has evolved, and it has changed over the years. When I was a first-grader, it was all about the fantasy. It was about imagining the unknown. In middle school, it was all about expressing the mounds of emotions I was feeling. In high school, it was about telling a well-rounded story. Then in college, that was when I decided to write a novel or to start one (it still isn’t finished to this day) that was written to help some lost adolescent, like me, find hope in the world.
But the college days ended with an Honors Project, a cap on my head, a gown, and a diploma. Then it was like my dreams screeched to halt as the heavy burdens of adulthood began to pummel down on me. Every now and then, I would tinker with words. I would let a sad poem slip out. I even started my first blog (which sadly is lost to the depths of the internet). But my partial novel sat there gathering dust. The dream of being a published writer started to fade away.
Then one day, I woke up and decided I needed to write again. I needed to get back to my dreams. So I started this blog. It is far from being the novel I had always dreamed of, but it is a start. It was a step, and every step forward brings us closer to the next chapter of our life.
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Recently, I was scrolling through my photos and screenshots and came across this quote that just really hit home.
“So, what if, instead of thinking about solving your whole life, you just think about adding additional good things. One at a time. Just let your pile of good things grow.” ~ Rainbow Rowell
Up to this point in life, I have felt like I had failed because all the dreams that I had set out to accomplish were left unfinished or halfway done. I saw them as signs that I couldn’t be more than I was. Then I saw this quote and went running, I listened to the coach on the Nike Run Club app talk about how just because we didn’t accomplish what we set out to do or run as far as we wanted didn’t mean we had failed. We still got up and accomplished something. We ran even if just for a minute. We still ran, and that was an accomplishment. He said something like, every time we get up and try, we accomplish more than if we just sat there and did nothing.
This means that even if our dreams seem far out of reach, there is still a chance to accomplish them. In terms of becoming a writer, sure, I haven’t become a published author or finished that novel. I have this blog. I have the ability to start writing that novel again or even maybe write something different, something I never imagined. I just need to try. I need to keep adding a bit of good to each day, write a few words, carry a notebook with me, and eventually all those little moments will add up to a lot more than if I never tried at all.
All I am saying is we can have big dreams, but we shouldn’t give up if those big dreams don’t come true right away. Everything is a process. It takes time and consistent attempts. We may not succeed every time we try, but we will learn and grow from each step we take.
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