April 1, 2022

30 Impactful (& Totally Do-able) Tips for Plastic-Free Living.

Plastic is the enemy. There, we said it.

Really, we should all know that by now. But how the heck do we avoid the stuff? And what can we use instead? We’re talking, beyond the obvious, like saying no to the darn straw already.

Well, we’ve thought long and hard about the hidden ways plastic creeps into our lives and are offering some ninja tips and tricks to kick it to the curb. Well, not literally. (TerraCycle that sh*t!)

But, for real, we know that many of us are thinking more deeply than ever about our impact, on our shared home and on one another, but the goal is to be able to say “everyone” rather than just “many.”

We don’t know what the world is going to look like when we come out on the other side of this, but we have a chance to make it better.

The simplest, most direct impact we can have on the health of our future, right now, is to change our daily habits. Consider the weight of the plastic waste you’re leaving in your wake, every single day, and make small, sustainable changes to reduce that.

We’ve jam-packed our 2022 Planet Over Plastic Challenge with as many actually helpful, practical tips as possible, with shout outs for some of our fave eco companies doing it right—not because they paid us, or even know we mentioned ’em here, but because we genuinely love what they’re doing to help rescue this precious planet of ours from drowning in plastic.

Take one tip a day to stay inspired, informed, and empowered. Share the challenge with your friends, family, colleagues. Start a Planet Over Plastic group to keep each other pumped and accountable.

Even if you only manage to change 1 of these 30 things, you’ll have made a difference.

Planet Over Plastic 2022: Hot Tips for Cool & Easy Eco-Friendly Livin’.

Friday, April 1

1. Repurpose your Mascara Wands—(it saves wildlife).

Time for a new mascara? Don't just toss your old one! The Appalachian Wildlife Refuge, a North Carolina-based nonprofit organization that helps treat injured and orphaned wildlife, uses the soft, compact bristles to gently remove fly eggs, dirt, fleas, ticks, and larvae from the fur of animals and the wings of birds. (Check the link below to find out where/how to donate.)
Donate & help furry friends
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