April 5, 2022

“Biden did this”? 


Exxon signals record quarterly profit from oil and gas prices

LOL/Sob, meanwhile folks who hate Biden hold Biden responsible for corporate planet-killing gas-price-raising greed. Biden did this? Nope.

Here’s what we can actually do to defeat our Climate Crisis.

Care about our climate crisis? You are not alone. Some comments, with sources, from a helpful Reddit thread:

“UN warns Earth ‘firmly on track toward an unlivable world’

Americans who think global warming is happening outnumber those who think it is not happening by a ratio of more than 6 to 1 (76%* versus 12%). Those who are “very” or “extremely” sure global warming is happening outnumber those who are “very” or “extremely” sure it is not by about 8 to 1.

We are closer than you think.


Costs would be minimal.

The missing piece is actually active volunteers. We need more.

We tend to overestimate how many of us are contacting our lawmakers on climate. We’re finally starting to correct for that.

If you’re an American who cares about climate change, you can easily get monthly reminders to call Congress.


Over 20% of global emissions are covered by a carbon price, some at rates that actually matter. We need volunteers around the world acting to increase the magnitude, breadth, and likelihood of passage of carbon pricing. The evidence clearly shows that lobbing works, and you don’t need a lot of money to be effective.

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Yet temperatures have already increased by over 1.1C (2F) since pre-industrial times, resulting in measurable increases in disasters such flash floods, extreme heat, more intense hurricanes and longer-burning wildfires, putting human lives in danger and costing governments hundreds of billions of dollars to confront.

Interestingly, people already care, they just don’t know what to do / feel like they are alone. But the truth is, a record number of us are alarmed about climate change, and more and more are contacting Congress regularly. What’s more, is this type of lobbying is starting to pay off. That’s why NASA climatologist and climate activist Dr. James Hansen recommends becoming an active volunteer with this group as the most important thing an individual can do on climate change.

Kurzgesagt just put out their new video on this exact topic.

They also made sure to call out the shift of big-energy to the “too late, so don’t do anything” messaging.

There’s a reason for that. But it’s not true. If you really want to tackle the problem effectively, here’s what I’d recommend:

  1. Join Citizens’ Climate Lobby and CCL Community. Be sure to fill out your CCL Community profile so you can be contacted with opportunities that interest you.

  2. Sign up for the Intro Call for new volunteers

  3. Take the Climate Advocate Training

  4. Take the Core Volunteer Training (or binge it)

  5. Get in touch with your local chapter leader (there are chapters all over the world) and find out how you can best leverage your time, skills, and connections to create the political world for a livable climate. The easiest way to connect with your chapter leader is at the monthly meeting. Check your email to make sure you don’t miss it. 😉

Here are some things I’ve done with the training:

It may be that at least some of these things are having an impact. Just eight years ago, only 30% of Americans supported a carbon tax. Now, it’s an overwhelming majority — and that does actually matter for passing a bill. We are so obviously closer than we were when I started.

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