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April 7, 2022

Implementing Renewable Energy at Home

Getting involved in the renewable energy industry can help lower your energy costs and reduce your carbon footprint. It can also make your home more sustainable. You can implement renewable energy for your electricity, heating, and more!

Defining Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is produced from natural resources such as the sun, wind, and water. These sources are replenished naturally and, as a result, usually produce less pollution. Unlike fossil fuels, which are known to emit greenhouse gases, renewable energy sources do not. This means that they can help combat climate change and reduce the impact of global warming. While it might sound impossible to implement renewable energy in your home, recent innovations have actually made it pretty accessible!

  1. Solar Electricity

You can use the sun’s rays to generate electricity by installing solar panels on your roof. These panels convert the sun’s rays into electricity that can be used to heat and power your home.

Solar panels work best on sunny days, so depending on where you live and the positioning of your home, levels of generated electricity will vary. They can also store the power they generate in batteries so they can be used after the sun goes down. This feature allows you to sell excess electricity to the national grid.

With solar panels, you can improve the sustainability of your home and lower your energy costs. They can also help you reduce your dependence on the grid.

  1. Solar Heat

Aside from providing electricity, solar panels can also be used to heat and provide hot water to your home. These systems use solar panels to collect and store the energy they generate. This energy can then be used to heat water in a water cylinder. The panels can be mounted on a frame or hung from a wall. This does require a fair amount of space, though–for hot water, you’ll need about five square meters of sunny space, and for heating, you may need more, depending on the size of your home.

  1. Air Source Heat Pump

A heat pump is a renewable energy system that utilizes the heat from the outside air to provide you with hot water and heating. It works in all temperatures and can be used to heat your home. A heat pump is a more sustainable alternative to traditional oil or gas heating systems. It can help lower your home’s energy costs and reduce your carbon footprint.

A heat pump can provide you with a silent and eco-friendly heating source. A heat pump can provide you with a more reliable and efficient heating system than an electric storage heater.

  1. Wind Power

Aside from wind farms, smaller wind turbines are also available for homes. These can be mounted on a pole or directly on the building. They work by directing the wind’s energy to the internal turbine, generating electricity. A 6kW wind turbine can provide you with enough power to run your home while reducing electricity bills.

  1. Biomass Heating

A biomass heating system uses organic materials such as wood pellets and logs to provide hot water and heating. This method of heating is significantly lower carbon-intensive compared to fossil fuel-burning systems. Aside from homes, businesses can also use biomass plants to generate electricity and reduce their carbon emissions.

Many locations offer grants or other deals to homes for installing renewable energy sources, so do some research and see what’s available in your area!

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