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April 28, 2022

Social Media Liberation for Empaths!

Photo by Ron Lach on Pexels.

In the world of the internet, everything is so fast paced. The need to hit reply right away or react to whatever craze/ social media trend might be going around; seems to be more part of our social structure and culture everyday. And although social media has many benefits, the need to constantly compete and partake is not one of them!

I myself especially speak for those who identify as empaths, when the quickness of everything around us overtakes and consumes us. Yet as much as we want to wish this fairly new aspect of society away, I don’t think it will ever go away.

Saying that out loud to myself sounds so dreadful, but I promise you there is a silver lining in all of this. True, most empaths are much more susceptible and energetically sensitive than the average person, but it also seems as though more and more people are relating to the highly sensitive person. I can intuitively speculate that this is because it is obvious to our energetic system that this “new” way of life is NOT healthy; but also I think more people are becoming aware of their sensitivity.

There was a time when empath and energetically sensitive people were rare, but now we are more common, and I think that is a beautiful and glorious thing! Cosmically speaking I think many of us are becoming even more aware of how collective energy affects us, and any small change in thought creates a ripple effect for us all.

No, this is not a New Age concept! There was the New Thought movement beforehand that echoed this, and even earlier, many of our ancestors whose spirit illuminates the sky with the stars knew this too!! I speak of this in moments of self reflection, to help us remember that we create change. How we choose to use and abide by it, is entirely up to us.

It is unjust where social media has taken a turn and allowed cruelty to become commonality.

But we too have the power, more than we think. I imagine this is why Spirit and my ancestors called me to spontaneously write this piece, to provide this reminder! That the greatest joy and power of people like us… it’s our sensitivity!

For too long we have allowed the dysfunctionality of society to tell us what is normal as if we are cursed. Social conditioning grips its teeth into the collective mind, seeking to divide and conquer as colonization did to many of whom call home elsewhere. And yes this picture I paint with my words are grim in details, but beneath the surface lies the gift I speak of.

For too long you have allowed the broken, inconsiderate and cruel minded to tell you who you are. For too long minorities had to seek validation in a system that was created for them to fail in; for too long many voices have been forgotten and silenced!

So here is my declaration: every day that you choose to rebel and choose you, is another battle won. Everyday that you choose to maintain and uphold your boundaries, you wipe away the tears and pain of our ancestors whose torment is too great to imagine. Every day that you refuse to believe the lies of afflicted souls, you conquer the power and reclamation of your lineage!!

So here is to fighting the power with our  super power: our emotional integrity and sensitivity!!

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