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April 20, 2022

The Body of Possibility

Photo by Polina Tankilevitch on Pexels.

In a few weeks, I’m teaching a series of workshops in Ireland that we’ve called The Body of Possibility.

And that’s what they’re about, the possibility that’s in our bodies.

Possibilities for healing, for connection, for intimacy, for sensation, for feeling, for growth, for learning, for experience, for knowing, for presence, for awareness.

And for love.

In the body.

There’s a line in Tantric text that says First the learning is in the body, then the eyes, then the words.

We’ve moved into a greater emphasis of the mind, of thought, of analysis, of commentary.

Of concept.

And we’ve come to value the head over the body.

In this many of us have disconnected from our bodies, from our feelings, from pleasure, from our sexuality.

And more than this, we’ve judged, shamed, inhibited, shut-down, closed, separated from our sexuality, from our genitals.

It’s become a space of control, of anger, of shut down, of fear for so many.

The Body of Possibility is about awakening this delicious, exciting, mysterious, magical, vital part of who we are.

Vital in two ways.

Vital as in important, as it’s connected to so many aspects of our being, of our health, of the full expression of our humanness.

And vital in that it’s connected to creativity, to life-force, to the juice of our sensuality.

And again, when it comes to sensuality, we’ve missed out on a lot. We’ve connected sensuality to sex, as the foreplay of sex.

Our sense-uality is how we experience life, the world, each other.

Our senses, sight, sound, smell, touch, taste, hearing, feeling, seeing, sensing.

In so many ways.

And the awareness, the consciousness we bring to these moments, are pathways to a deeper connection to life, to spirit, to love.

And they’re in the body.

There’s something about this that I love, that so many people who come to these journeys say, It has everything to do with sex, and nothing to do with sex.

Then it’s about the experience, and experience is how we heal, grow, release, learn.

Most of what we do is a pattern.

Most of our patterns are subconscious.

The patterns are what keep us doing what we do in the way we do it, which so often become the blockages, the limitations, the things we repeat in life again and again.

The places we get stuck, deeply, painfully stuck, often with no idea how to get out of these places, how to do something differently, how to let go, how to step into another way of being, feeling, loving, experiencing.

The only way is in the body.

Through the body, with the body.

In movement in some way.

In the experience of reaching out, of opening, of softening, of letting something go, of relaxing, of releasing.

And of allowing ourselves to dance, maybe just for a moment, with space.

That’s how it happens.

As much as we think about it, talk about it, analyze it, break it down, dissect it, it’s only in the experience that something moves.

In the experience is a knowing.

I write a coffee blog, recently sharing some deeply personal stuff there, and it’s a great example of this.

The only way you know the coffee is to drink it.

You can learn about where coffee comes from, how it’s grown, how it’s harvested, how it’s roasted, all the different ways of preparing coffee, all the ways you can drink it.

That’s the concept of the coffee.

And in the sip of the coffee is the knowing.

Orgasms are the same.

They’re both important, the concept and the experience.

So we talk, we read, we listen.

And we experience.

Our bodies are the experience of life, of feeling, all of them, of sensation, all of them, of pleasure, and of love.

I love sharing with you, and I’m grateful for the ways that we can.

In these words, and the energy behind the words.

In our conversations, written and spoken.

In the technology that allows us to see each other across the world.

In touch, here in Johannesburg, soon in Ireland, hopefully soon in other parts of the world.

For it’s our journey, together.

In the experience of love, life.

In this Body of Possibility.


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