8.4 Editor's Pick
April 15, 2022

The Moon makes me Hungry—A Grounding Recipe for Full Moon.

Full Moon

Whether astrology is science or magic, we’re open to most things, if they may be of benefit. ~ Ed.


Food is our common ground. A Universal experience. ~ James Beard

The Moon makes me hungry.

I move with the moon through the month…invigorating meals at maiden (new) moon, deep, satisfying at mother (full) moon, a cleansing menu at Crone (dark) Moon.

Are you a person who cooks according to daily inspiration or do you plan your meals ahead of time?

I tend to buy ingredients I am passionate about, then create meals according to what strikes my fancy each day. It’s a bit of chaos sometimes, when “what strikes my fancy” demands an ingredient I’m out of. Mostly though, my pantry is stocked with must-haves.

On that list of must-haves are lemons, smoked paprika, and chili peppers; certain grains and pulses, olive oil, sundried tomatoes, olives, root vegetables, onions, garlic…it’s partly my European background and partly my palate that dictates the meals I cook.

Before I get into the recipe, let’s explore the meaning of April’s Pink Full Moon on April 16, 2:55 PM, EST. The focus is harmony, illumination, balance, beauty, and stability. But there is so much more happening in the cosmos influencing this moon. I like looking at the weeks surrounding the moon to give it perspective. The cosmos is a symphony—all things work holistically together.

Full Moon precedes a partial solar eclipse at the second dark moon of the month on the Taurus-Scorpio axis (April 30th). This is a potent time for new beginnings, focusing on the distinction between the past and future, what you can let go of, and some shadows to traverse.

A Pisces stellium—Jupiter, Neptune, Venus, Mars, and asteroid Juno all in Pisces, brings relationships, especially long-term, and all heart matters to the fore. Which will solidify, which will dissolve? This can also be to do with our relationship with habits and wounds. Visions, dreams, creativity, abundance, our imagination, and luck also meet here. You may feel a bit out of this world.

Place your awareness on the influence of Libra in your natal chart as well. This is where the harmony and beauty come up for review. It can swing either way, either bring you more clarity or muddle the waters for another period of growth.

It’s an action-packed month, the full moon a moment of clarity that we can embody. If we can integrate the harmony and stability it speaks of, we are truly feeling the universe within us. And that’s really the magic of celebrating a moon phase—it connects us to that part of ourselves we may have lost touch with. Here’s to fullness, gratitude, and the light that shines in our hearts. May we share it with others.

The Recipe

Butternut Squash Stuffed with Buckwheat, Sundried Tomatoes, and Smoked Chili Peppers

It’s so easy, uncomplicated, and nourishing, yet looks like you’ve made something fancy. It’s perfect for a full moon when we are celebrating abundance and needing some rootedness to compensate for the expansive cosmic energy.

Buckwheat is not wheat actually, but a seed that is gluten-free, high in antioxidants and minerals. You can use quinoa instead if you’re not fussed about buckwheat, but it does add a very earthy, nutty element to the recipe. The sundried tomatoes kick in a bit of acidity to elevate this earthiness.

As an alternative, try acorn squash—it allows for more filling!

*Note: I cook by instinct most of the time so some ingredients are “add as much or little as you like.”


1 butternut squash cut in half with seed pockets scooped out—find one with a big bottom

Sundried tomatoes in oil (slices if you can find, or slice them yourself)

½ cup uncooked toasted buckwheat

1 onion, chopped fine

2 garlic cloves, minced

Smoked chili pepper flakes

Olive oil

Salt, pepper, dill (or thyme)


1. Place the halved, salted, and peppered squash in the oven face down with a bit of oil in the baking dish and bake until soft to the fork at 350F, or however you like to bake your squash halves.

2. Meantime, cook the buckwheat according to the directions on the package. It’s usually 1.5 cups of water to 1 cup of buckwheat. I cook extra and use it another day as a side. Don’t overcook, it should have some crunch.

3. While that’s cooking, sauté the onion and garlic lightly in some olive oil. Add the sundried tomatoes, in the ratio you would like. Season with freshly ground salt and pepper, smoked chili flakes, thyme, or fresh dill. Add the cooked buckwheat and stir together.

4. When the squash is ready, turn it over in the baking dish, spoon the stuffing into the squash belly, drizzle a bit of olive oil over top, and grill in the oven to caramelize things a bit. And that’s it!

5. Serve with grilled asparagus (dressed with fresh lemon juice), olives, and herbs for garnish. You can add some vegan feta, or if eating dairy, some good sheep feta as well. Simple, hearty, healthy.

Much moon love to you from the Witch’s Kitchen.

*The Witch’s Kitchen is one that celebrates the gifts Earth Mother provides for our health and overall well-being. It is a way to create simple, practical magic that is of benefit to oneself and others. Some of the elements of a witch’s kitchen are gratitude, love as an ingredient, creating a simple kitchen altar, setting an intention, and finding meditation in the process of creating a meal. Are you a kitchen witch?

Get my free moon-phase, wheel-of-the-year, retrograde calendar download here!


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Monika Carless  |  Contribution: 125,490

author: Monika Carless

Image: Author's Own

Editor: Sukriti Chhopra