April 8, 2022

“The Witch’s Kitchen”—Easy, Delicious Turmeric Tonic for a Spring Immunity Boost.

“Health is the greatest possession. Contentment is the greatest treasure. Confidence is the greatest friend.” ~ Lao Tzu


Turmeric Tonic is a variation of Jamu Juice, a traditional Indonesian herbal drink, which includes roots, herbs, flowers, bark, and spices.

Who doesn’t need an immunity boost?

Something I’ve been thinking about during the pandemic has been how to keep my immunity strong so that while I practiced other safety protocols, I could also set my body up for the best possible outcomes if coming down with the virus, or anything really.

I believe that when some things are out of our control, we can still have agency over how we treat our bodies to the best of our ability. We can’t assume that we or everyone has access to the same preventative health resources at all times. This recipe is affordable, comparatively, I’d say, to more immune-boosting supplements, and is easy to make with few ingredients.

I often buy my tonic from a local food artisan—but making my own is allowing me to drink it more often. This particular recipe is derived from one my daughter shared with me after she’d whipped up a batch for herself when the local health food store ran out of stock.

Super-food Ingredients

Turmeric is an antioxidant super-food. Its active component, curcumin, is anti-inflammatory and is known for blocking free radicals. To make turmeric bio-available, we pair it with pepper and its alkaloid, piperine. Otherwise, the curcumin is metabolized too quickly for the body to reap all its benefits. Warning! Turmeric stains everything, so clean up immediately—all spills, knives, blender. A somewhat sticky resin stubbornly attaches to anything.

Ginger, another anti-inflammatory/antioxidant, aids in digestion as well as has anti-viral properties. It helps to clear sinuses, improves circulation (think heart health), and clears mucous. I have it daily in my morning lemon water, as well as cooking it up in my home-brewed chai.

Lemon and lime, two highly alkalizing fruits, boost immunity, assist with the nervous system and blood pressure and are also anti-viral. Although I try to eat as seasonably as possible, lemons are a daily staple in my household.

The Recipe

2 cups water or coconut water—the coconut water delivers healthy electrolytes.

2 tbsp fresh turmeric, washed well, chopped fine, unpeeled. Alternatively, use 2 tsp ground turmeric.

3 tbsp fresh ginger chopped fine. I don’t peel.

Juice of one lemon and one lime

¼ tsp ground black pepper—or 1/8 of a tsp if you’re sensitive to pepper.

2 tbsp honey or maple syrup

*Optional: 1-2 tsp coconut oil—coconut oil boosts curcumin absorption by 2,000 percent, but not everyone likes oil in their tonic. I find it makes a very smooth drink, and more absorption is always a good thing.


1. Blend everything in a high-speed blender for at least one minute or until smooth.

2. Squeeze the blend well through a nut bag or fine strainer. The nut bag will forever be yellow.

3. If you use a Magic Bullet, use the flat blade instead of the curved one, and just add enough water to the top instead of measuring out 2 cups, or do the 2 cups and blend in two batches.

4. Refrigerate and drink within one week. Shake well before each use.

5. There are many turmeric tonic recipes out there, some have orange juice, carrot, cayenne added—make what pleases you. Experiment with it. You can drink it cold—a straight shot in the morning or when feeling run down, or add just-off-the-boil water to it for a hot drink.

And that’s it. Easy-peasy. To your health!

*The Witch’s Kitchen is one that celebrates the gifts Earth Mother provides for our health and overall well-being. It is a way to create simple, practical magic that is of benefit to oneself and others. Some of the elements of a witch’s kitchen are gratitude, love as an ingredient, creating a simple kitchen altar, setting an intention, and finding meditation in the process of creating a meal. Are you a kitchen witch?


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author: Monika Carless

Image: lizcoull/Instagram (with permission)

Editor: Sukriti Chhopra