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April 12, 2022

What is Your Mountain

We all face different adventures, some are chosen, others are forced upon them.  These adventures manifest a variety of demons or dragons we must face. For some, there demons are personal and secret, and others there is no hiding, and everything is in public display.  Take me for example.  I can’t hide with the fact that I have cancer, or that I am battling learning how to walk and even scratch my own head.  But you know what… I wouldn’t trade it for anything!  I have witnessed countless miracles, and lessons that I wouldn’t have had the chance. The challenge and true journey are finding the miracles. Are the diamonds in the rough, or hidden in plain sight?

Every single day we face any number and size of trials and tests.  Each has been uniquely placed in our path.  In the moments of absolute desperation and hopelessness… Stop, take a deep breath, and look around.  Take off the horse blinders and try and find the lesson and even blessing in the moment.  While at the same time understanding the answer may not come immediately, but they will come.  When they do, the instant recharge of strength and understanding make whatever the dragon or chasm was seem small.

Never lose faith and hope.

There are countless cliffs, rivers, and chasms keeping us from the top of our own mountain.  Take a moment look backward, think of the many seemingly hopeless moments.  One of my favorite quotes that I have adapted into my life.

“Now, every time I witness a strong person, I want to know What darkness did you conquer in your story?  Mountains do not rise without earthquakes.” – Katherine Mackennet

So I ask.


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