April 26, 2022

“There is nothing permanent except change.” ~ Heraclitus (So we may as well Embrace It.)

Why is it difficult to accept change?

As we navigate this life, we go through predictable changes, such as moving into a new house across the country, getting married, starting a new job, going back to school, or having a baby.

Then we have unpredictable changes such as losing a loved one, divorce, a change in our health, or job termination, which disrupts our comfort zone, leaving us feeling hopeless and frustrated.

Sometimes, when a foreseeable change happens in our life, we still feel uncertain, and we withstand the idea of taking a new path—we feel unsure about whether there is room for us to be happy. And unfortunately, many of us do not like even expected and positive life changes because we are creatures of habit.

How can we boost our natural adaptation processes?

You may have noticed that sometimes even though we initiate a change, we feel apprehensive. Even positive changes, such as getting a new job, can disrupt our routine and our comfort zone, leaving us feeling anxious. According to Psychology Today, anxiety that comes along with a new path in life is common, and there are ways to manage them. But some may wonder, how can we go with the flow and move forward with a positive state of mind when facing a change in life?

Some people with more resilience tend to adjust quickly to their new normal. However, from life experience, some of us have learned when we’re going through a change that it is essential to keep a positive attitude. If we maniacally focus on negative things in life, it will impact our mental health if we’re not careful. “Prolonged focus on negative moments may impact mental health,” an article in Verywell Mind has stated.

Cognitive reframing:

There is one thing we must keep in mind when we are dealing with a change: keep a positive state of mind.

To help with constant negative thoughts, cognitive reframing is a practice that may help us change our outlook on things. “Cognitive reframing is a technique used to shift your mindset so that you can look at a situation, person, or relationship from a slightly different perspective.”

People are inspiring each other to reach their aspirations:

You often hear a family member or coworker talk about getting a new job elsewhere—simply because they’re bored with their current position and desperately need a fresh start. And during the pandemic lockdown, many individuals had an opportunity to reflect on their lives. So many of them have realized just how unpredictable and short life can be.

Interestingly, some have made significant life changes to find happiness, grow, and learn new skills. Some are feeling adventurous and traveling alone worldwide; some have gone back to school, while others have left their current position and moved to a different city to start a new job.

It has been such an inspiration watching others’ stories on social media about the choices they’ve made to help them live their lives to the fullest and how well they are adjusting to their new transitions.

Did I want to leave my family and siblings behind in Italy when it was time for me to go with my husband to America? Of course not. When I first received the news of us moving to the United States, it felt as if I had a heavy rock in the pit of my stomach.

If you’re feeling doubtful about a new path in life, you’re not alone.

Motivational speaker and author Mel Robbins recently shared on a live chat on Instagram that she and her husband will soon be moving into a new house. She stated that she feels nostalgic about leaving her home, where she lived for over 20 years and raised her three children. So, even if your brain puts on the breaks about a new transition, it does not mean that we’re giving in and giving up on finding happiness in our life.

Growing up, my grandfather Michele often reminded me that changes are just part of this life, and we must embrace them. I kept those words in mind every time I was faced with making an important choice in life.

Sometimes, when we are going through a positive transition, but still feeling trapped with worry, self-doubt, and anxiety, it may be essential to give ourselves a little push of motivation to keep moving forward.

Occasionally, it can be exhausting if we allow our busy minds to overanalyze a situation. I understand how this feels because I’ve been through it myself, and I’m speaking from experience. So, instead of building unnecessary barriers in my mind and letting myself slide into the darkness, I was able to redirect my thoughts to stay positive.

I listened to my internal voice, and used my inner strength to help me move forward through a big move. I remained focused on the bright future ahead of me—starting a new life in America.

Since my move, I have explored so many great opportunities. One of my favorites was when, after I graduated from college, an excellent elementary school principal gave me a position to inspire young minds—I then worked as an elementary educator for many years.

Final thoughts:

In the end, keep in mind that we can all be captives of our fears and insecurities as humans, but we mustn’t lose sight of all the opportunities that life offers. Don’t let anxiety get in the way of stopping you from seeing the world and finding the happiness you deserve while you’re still here on this earth. If you are struggling with whether or not you should move forward with that change, trust yourself and go for it. Keep these words in mind when you’re having self-doubt. You will need them when you’re ready to decide which path to take in life. Namaste.

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Nunzia Stark  |  Contribution: 175,685

author: Nunzia Stark

Image: Ben Blennerhassett/Unsplash

Editor: Catherine Monkman