April 23, 2022

Your Body Knows Best: 6 Indicators that Something or Someone Isn’t Right For Us.


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I have to admit: there was some good that came out of the pandemic for me, personally.

I hunkered down and adhered to a consistent workout routine for an entire year in my basement. I made a commitment to myself to feel good, no matter the circumstances.

My body asked me to pay attention to it and honor its signals—and so I did.

I became a more patient and forgiving person in quarantine.

I learned how to be a little less reactive.

I started a few new hobbies and now feel like I have blossomed.

I returned to regular journaling and writing, and I feel absolutely wonderful about it.

My body asked me to return to self-care and to the things that make me happy—and so I did.

Here are six body indicators that may likely occur if something or someone isn’t quite right for us:

1. Sweating more than usual.

Hey, I perspire a lot when I exercise.

In any scenario that you begin to perspire immediately and find your heart rate escalating quickly, that’s the “fight or flight” going off within us on all cylinders. Get some air, catch your breath, take your time to get to a calmer place without rushing.

Don’t let ’em see you sweat.

2. Dry mouth.

If I’m nervous about something, anything, I tend to become dehydrated rather quickly. Making sure I have the necessary liquids and mouth-moistening products handy is a smart practice to take on, regularly and often.

3. Fidgeting.

It really does showcase how nervous one can be. If you do fidget, it’s not a bad thing. It does keep us calmer and the vibrations are soothing, comforting, and needed regularly. I’m referring to the kind of fidgeting where you’re so uncomfortable, but you’re putting on a brave face and suffering needlessly.

No. You don’t have to feel uneasy about anything or anyone, ever again. Make yourself cozy, would you?

4. You’re mentally and physically exhausted, all the time.

I know that when I haven’t slept well, my whole body pays a price. I experience lethargy, and I feel groggy and cranky.

When my mood goes from calm and collected to sour and solemn in any scenario, that’s an immediate indicator for me to get out while I can. I don’t feel obligated to stay anywhere or be around anyone that my body responds negatively to.

5. Sadness or depression ensues, and/or stress levels are unusually high.

I believe that truly paying attention to your body’s signals and signs means that you never ignore anything that happens to you that’s “out of the ordinary.” Attend to it—as expediently as possible. Don’t neglect your temple.

Please communicate your feelings regularly and honestly with your inner circle of trusted sources.

6. Your sleep patterns suffer. 

This one is integral to your well-being.

I urge you to try and get a regular sleep schedule implemented and follow it to the best of your ability. But if you aren’t sleeping well on a regular basis, something is definitely amiss. Whether it’s a person, place, or thing that is keeping you up at night, you must try and keep yourself educated on how to get better, quality sleep under your belt.

A hot bath and a cup of lemon and ginger tea work wonders for me.

A shot of brandy and a roaring fireplace may be your cup of tea.

But find out what you can do to soothe yourself—daily, religiously, and happily.

I believe there are many more indicators that can predict your success in any outcome. But these six are certainly worth paying extra attention to. Heed the warnings that your body delivers.

Honor, love, and eternally care for your body. Your mind and soul will be sure to fall in line.



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Stephanie Mezei  |  Contribution: 20,025

author: Stephanie Mezei

Image: miraalou/Instagram

Editor: Elyane Youssef