May 24, 2022

10 Reasons why Turning 50 is Freakin’ Fabulous.

turning 50

I am writing this post one day before my 50th birthday.


Yay, me! What a pivotal year. What a milestone.

I am grateful to be here, truly.

I’ve compiled a list of 10 reasons why reaching the half-century mark of life is so monumentally fabulous:

1. Incredible life experience is gained. Fifty is a big deal. Don’t let anyone downplay this. You have knowledge, strength, and the tools you need to trudge forth into the next 50-plus years.

2. Growth and maturity are reached. You’ve come a long way, baby.

3. You have the wisdom to know the difference between good, bad, and ugly in all aspects of life.  You can easily filter out what to keep and what to eliminate in your world without guilt or regrets.

4. You still have abundant energy and vitality. If you’ve kept yourself fit, you certainly have vim and vigor, and you likely don’t look your age.

5. Turning 50 humbles you: I get to turn 50. Not everyone has that same privilege. I’ve lost friends and family members who never lived to see 50. Appreciate this milestone in your life!

6. You have clout. You have influence in people’s lives. You hold great power in your hands. You’re a leader.  People love you and respect you.

7. No one can take advantage of you, ever again. You’ve been through so much, and you’ve set boundaries and limits that no one can trespass. No one can sway you if you stand your ground.

8. You can enjoy the fruits of your labor. Reaching 50 has been so life-altering for me on so many levels. I’ve planted seeds, they’ve borne fruit, and now, I’m enjoying the beauty of my life in all its glory.

9. If you still get “carded,” it’s a good thing. Similar to #4, having that youthful glow and kid-like spirit will sometimes get you “carded.” I literally smile from ear to ear when someone asks to see my I.D.!

10. You know that the next 50 years are going to be absolutely incredible: keep calm, carry on, grow, evolve, blossom, kick ass, and take names.

Fifty is fabulous. I know because I’m already here.

And let me tell ya, the best is yet to come.


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author: Stephanie Mezei

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