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May 1, 2022

5 Life-Changing Journal Prompts for the New Moon in Taurus x Solar Eclipse

The Taurus New Moon peaked at 4:27 pm ET on Saturday, April 30th. This is a “Bring on all the little luxuries, how can we be EXTRA, and let me take my sweet ass time” kinda new moon. Don’t let that fool you; it’s got the power to change your life when it meets up with the Solar Eclipse and the kick-off of Pluto retrograde. Before the warning bells start ringing, take a breath. This moon cycle creates space for possibility. Think of it like a facial, but at the soul level so you can recommit to what you want and amplify your results.

No dream, intention, or idea is too big under this new moon! To work with this energy, incorporate:

  1. Pause, reflect, and relish. Taurus energy doesn’t want to be rushed into anything new without starting with pleasure first. Start with what feels most delicious first and let the “work” follow.
  2. Bring on all the little luxuries that amplify your frequency. This is a decadent bath, favorite wine and some comfort food is just what the doctor ordered.
  3. Simplify. Simplify. Simplify. Let go of anything that’s feeling fussy or overdone, as it is only causing confusion in your field and blocking your flow.

Pay close attention to any resistance, stubbornness, or lack of inspiration that arises with this new moon. Those may be signals of where to turn your attention so you can clear out any dense energy that comes up.

Here are five journal prompts to help you unpack the energy of this moon so you can tap into tall the abundance this energy has to offer:

  1. Closing Doors: Where in your life are things feeling draining? How can you close the book on old chapters or the door on things that aren’t serving you with peace and grace?
  2. Embody a New Way: Setting an intention = identifying a new level of being. What are you focused on embodying during this moon cycle that aligns with your goals?
  3. Set New Boundaries: Taurus season is all about setting boundaries. Where do your boundaries need to be revisited, refined, or installed?
  4. Surely Sentimental: Have you taken any walks down memory lane this week? What’s been coming up for you, and what do you make of it?
  5. Moment of Reflection: What is your intuition showing you this new moon? Where are you feeling called, or are you curious to explore?

You have until May 3rd to work with these delicious vibes.


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