Do you feel at times that it’s all happening simultaneously? How will you manage? Who else will do it if not you? Time is limited, but your to-do list is unlimited? Deep inside, you want to just run away and come back when this chapter is done; or be woken up when it’s all over, but you know that’s not possible.
I often have these moments and experience these emotions in everyday life, and I like to remind myself that this too shall pass and how this is just one CHAPTER of my life, NOT my entire LIFE’s STORY.
I would love to share the 5X5 Tips that I lean on and practice in such overwhelming situations. I must admit, with all honesty, I am still a work in progress, practicing these tips so that eventually, I control and respond, not react in such situations.
Tip #1. Take a 5-minute break, switch off, close the laptop, focus your attention on your heart, inhale for 5 counts, and exhale for 5 counts. Do this 5 times.
Tip #2. Think about a similar situation; you may have had 5 years ago; what would you say to your younger self with your current wisdom?
Tip #3 5 years from now, would you spend more than 5 minutes on what’s happening, and if yes, what is really important about how you are currently feeling?
Tip #4 Think of 5 people in your circle of love and influence on whom you could lean on for help, and make a mental note to ask them for support.
Tip #5 With a more objective state, notice if you have any new insights and make a note of 5 more efficient or effective attitudes, actions, or solutions you may have now to your current situation
I would love to hear from you if you found these useful; drop me a YES in the comments below.IF you did try these tips, it would be great to hear back on how you felt and behaved after.
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