May 30, 2022

A Past-Life Tarot Card Pull for Dark Moon in Gemini—You’ve Come a Long Way!


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*Whether astrology is science or magic, we’re open to most things, if they may be of benefit. ~ Ed.


Dark Moon in Gemini 05.30.22, 7:30 a.m. EDT

First, the good news. Mercury Retrograde is over June 3rd! Then, only two weeks of after-shadow but it will be a gentler ride.

Do take the dark moon time to look back over the last month and see how far you’ve come, what’s been your biggest hurdle, where you have triumphed, what needs releasing or composting, what is still medicine to learn from, and taking time for rest.

When we rest, we create room within ourselves for the coming lunar cycle. This step is so often skipped over in a rush to create again. That sacred pause is the magic!

Themes for this moon are clear communication—as per Mercury, duality—as per Gemini, receiving divine inspiration, conscious relationships—meaning moving from codependence to unconditional love and working with the changes that are already in motion in our lives—even if we’re not quite sure what they all mean, yet!

>> Feel the lifting energy. We’ve been through dark times of late. But as we move from the spring eclipse season, Gemini brings some new perspectives to old problems.

>> Your journal or a letter to a loved one or even someone you have a fractured relationship with, will benefit from honest words.

>> It’s perfect time for falling in love with yourself again.

>> Jupiter and Mars in Aries awaken our inner dragon. Step into New Moon intentions when the first crescent appears in the sky May 31 with fiery courage.

During this powerful time, make peace with what can’t be changed, integrate its lessons, free yourself from old patterns, and greet June with heart wide open.

A Simple Past Life Tarot Pull for Dark Moon

*Light a candle to invite the support of ancestors and the spirit realm

*Set up any other altar items on your table as you wish

*Cleanse your tarot deck with the smoke of incense or a herb bundle and shuffle

*Sit quietly for a few moments, connecting to your breath and body

*Pull Six Cards

1. Who was I (this can include time period)?

2. What did I do in my daily life?

3. What family did I have?

4. What challenges did I face?

5. How did I return to spirit?

6. What lesson can I learn from my past life?

As you pull each card, your intention is to use your intuition and to look for broader meanings and hints. There will be something in the card to direct you. Do not worry if you do not get specifics like what color your hair was. Tap into the essence of your past life.

Use each card/hint to help you in mining wisdom for this lifetime.

Thank all the elements and energies present at your card pull.

Close the ritual by snuffing out the candle and offering of gratitude.

Dark Moon Circle this May 30th: Healing Happens in the Dark.


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author: Monika Carless

Image: giuliajrosa/Instagram

Editor: Sukriti Chhopra