May 13, 2022

Big Changes are Coming with the Full Flower Moon. {May 15/16}


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Whether astrology is science or magic, we’re open to most things, if they may be of benefit. ~ Ed.


On May 15th and 16th, we will be experiencing a total lunar eclipse and full moon in the sign of Scorpio.

This lunation is set to bring in major changes with our relationships by presenting a completion of sorts and on that same token, a new beginning.

Right now, we have the sun in the sign of Taurus, which is a sign that is all about the simplicities of life and material things, while the moon in Scorpio is pushing us toward depth and transformative experiences. This can feel really conflicting for some, especially if things are being highlighted for you that require immediate action thereby changing the course of your life for good.

Total lunar eclipses are said to be more relationship-oriented than any other eclipse, and the effects of that energy stick around for up to six months after the event has occurred. Keep in mind that relationships are not exclusive from person to person, but also the relationships you have with yourself, your money, your career, and your health. This is made even more evident with Jupiter, the planet of expansion, transiting through Aries until October 28th, which pushes us to expand our awareness of personal courage.

Let’s face it, any change in relationships takes a tremendous amount of courage as we let go of the old in order to invite in the new. Scorpio is the death and rebirth sign so the energy right now is pushing all of us toward a transition that we might have been wanting for some time or something entirely unexpected. Yes, change can feel scary, but we came here to grow, and a part of this human experience requires us to go with the flow of the energy that is prompting us to expand.

That said, we do have the support of grounded Taurus behind us at this time, which can make this transition slightly less uncomfortable. However, we run the risk of getting too stubborn and hard-headed resisting the changes that need to be had, which will make the process that much more painful in the long run. Remember, resisting the tide will only lead to burnout so it is best to turn on your back and let the water carry you.

This time might feel like you have to make changes straight away and act on whatever impulse you might feel, but I caution you to wait to make any drastic changes until after June 3rd when Mercury is out of retrograde. For now, take whatever energy that might be pent up inside of you and create a plan for how you’d like to implement the changes you feel.

Taking grounded steps toward your new life does require some thought and internal reflection on your best course of action. Try to resist the impulsivity of Aries and understand that even though things might be highlighted to you that requires some courage, it might be best to have all the information before making any big leaps. You will still have the energy of the lunar eclipse backing whatever decisions you choose, but for now, this time is more about your internal shifts first before the external materializes.

Since the full moon is all about release, now might be a perfect time to let go of any beliefs you carry that are not serving the future you. Beliefs about not being good enough or any other negative story you have about yourself that are only holding you back need to be let go of as you step more fully into the best and highest version of yourself.

Between the energy of Scorpio and Mercury in retrograde, we are being encouraged to take a deep dive into ourselves and reflect on all that needs to be let go of at this time. Yes, some action will be required at some point, but overall, the courage to expand as a human on planet Earth is less about the external and more about the things our psyches hang onto out of comfort—and Taurus is all about comfort.

This time of change might feel confusing and conflicting, but remember that it is here to teach us something. Stay open to what this time can teach you and the new opportunities that it can bring into your life (if you are willing to release the things that you no longer need). Growth does require a little discomfort, but the payoff is more freedom to be your most authentic you.

May this full moon and total lunar eclipse bring you toward all of your best relationships and may you expand just as your soul intended. You will always be your greatest project in life—may you always remember that.

Happy Full Moon! I’m honored to be on this journey with you.

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