May 13, 2022

Myth-Busting Grief: A Therapist’s Perspective.


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I’m a writer and a therapist.

I’ve heard uncountable life stories and sat with those experiencing intense physical and emotional pain. Still, I am no expert.

The human condition and psyche are unique to this world. We’re unlike any other living creature that walks the earth. We are amazing. Every day I’m in awe of the people I work and walk with. I learn from them. The lessons are incredible. Like most lessons, the more I learn about humans and their pain, the more I realize I have so much to learn. We’re lifelong students in the classroom of life.

So many people are experiencing grief and pain. As humans, we need to learn more about this condition. We can learn through our own experiences and through a different kind of empathy and compassion. Learning through empathy and compassion is a practice where we truly listen and hear others. It’s a practice where we learn to sit with discomfort. We can’t insulate or isolate ourselves from pain. Indeed, that only causes more pain. This is what we call ” suffering.”

Here are a few nuggets to think about. I hope you can share your own. We are our own best teachers. We’re all gurus on the path of life. We all have something to offer. We all have a higher self—one that is called to love and is full of wisdom.

Myth-busting is hard, so let us begin slowly. As you read, take in the words slowly. Think about these words in terms of your life and those around you. Be open and be brave. We’re all on the same path, but we’re on different parts of it and on different timelines.

>> Grief and pain are unique human experiences that everyone will experience. 

>> We can’t measure or compare suffering.

>> There is no fast-tracking grief.

>> We can’t prepare, prevent, or escape experiencing grief and loss. 

>> Life is change. We die and we grow a little each and every day.

>> We can’t take another person’s pain away. 

This is just a start and there is so much more to offer. Now it’s up to you. What insight, experience, and love can you offer? We are one world. We are one love, a collective human experience. Share some compassion today.

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author: Renee Fesser

Image: celiacarodraws/Instagram

Editor: Sukriti Chhopra