May 17, 2022

A Comforting Poem for Childless Mothers & Motherless Children.


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Holidays like Mother’s Day are triggering days for many.

There are many childless mothers and motherless children in this world. There are many who have the scars of early wounding, and this has a lasting impact.

If you experience this pain, the reminders of a day celebrating motherly love is another reminder of the void of what could be and wasn’t and the yearning for unconditional love and acceptance.

For those who feel this, this poem reflection is for you.

Darling child, you are the son and daughter of the universe.

You are perfect in every way.

Darling ones, step with lightness and let the light of love fill you.

May you feel the arms of love wrap you and hold you.

Take comfort here in the darkness and sorrows of day, and love shall fill you.

Sweet ones, come away without want or worry and let go of your armour.

Be still in the sunlight and under the light of moon.

Walk with love and let love guide, for you are the light of the infinite universe.

In the arms of love, you will find peace and comfort tonight.

Look up and you will see me, for my light shines brighter each night for you.

Listen, I sing for you the songs and stories of distant shores and brighter days.

Listen and be still, for my love will find you, sweet child of mine.


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Renee Fesser  |  Contribution: 68,450

author: Renee Fesser

Image: muhammedsalah_/Instagram

Editor: Michelle Al Bitar