My spiritual awakening began in March 2018 with my main man, Eckhart Tolle. In the words of the uber talented Lin Manuel Miranda, “He built me palaces out of paragraphs. He built cathedrals.” Eckhart taught me how to notice my thoughts and be in the present moment.
From there, I met Brooke Castillo. She, also an Eckhart fan, taught me how to manage my mind and feel my feelings.
Soon after, Lacy Phillips entered my reality and taught me that manifestation, what we have and do not have in our life experience, is rooted in worthiness. She guided me to meet my inner child, shadow and highest self. She also introduced me to Human Design which is a well used tool in my toolbox.
March 2018 to present moment has been a rollercoaster of gain and loss, joy and pain, light and dark. For those who have experienced a spiritual awakening you know, it’s the proverbial red pill experience. You now know something you didn’t know before which is powerful and empowering but it’s also a solo and sometimes lonely journey. You can never go back.
My biggest take away from pre to post-awakening is that humans have been operating from an out-dated rule book. We have been programmed into belief systems and realities that do not serve our highest timeline.
I am drafting a new rule book for humans to aid them in this ever shifting, ever changing game of life. If you are a human being who would like to feel more grounded into your life, have a read each week (more or less) as I share a new ‘rule’ that could shift your entire reality.
Please know that just by reading the words, you are creating space in your brain for something new and unknown. Everything new and great that was ever created came out of the unknown.
As always, take what resonates and leave that does not (one of the rules!). Also, these rules are in no particular order of importance. They are all important. Finally, of course the real mind f*ck is that there are no rules but these are sentiments that have allowed me to feel better in my life so I am sharing with the intention of allowing others to feel better in their lives.
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