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May 10, 2022

The Eight Stages of Waking the F Up from Our Own Ignorance

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.

As I see it right Now:

Questioning: “Is this true? Maybe this is not what I think. Is this made up? A lie? Is something or someone influencing my thoughts? Does this someone(s) or something(s)have my best intentions in mind? Do I?? Is this Love or my old buddy Fear talking??”

Shock: “What?!” Or in my case, it’s usually “WTF?!”

Denial: “But I thought/was told this was true, it must be true, I don’t believe it’s not true.”

Anger: “I’m so pissed that this is not true!”

Bargaining: “If this, then maybe this could be…”

Guilt: “If I only would have known…” Or, “I should have known.” Any “should haves”.

Depression: “Oh my, it’s not what I thought or believed at all. It was a lie. I was wrong.”

Acceptance: Finally coming to grips with the reality of the situation or thoughts for what they are, instead of what you’ve been told, or believed, or wanted it to be. The complete and total unveiling and embracing of truth. Acceptance. Freedom. Peace. Hallelujah!

Then, deciding what to do with it, which is the first step in the new path that has just opened.

The first 7 are part of the process to acceptance or freedom, the final step. The first seven are also non-acceptance, or suffering in varying degrees.

It’s not always a linear process every time, nor is there a timeline, as sometimes we vacillate and get stuck between the stages, bouncing back and forth, until we have wholeheartedly welcomed each of them; become them.

If you are in this process, be gentle with yourself. Where ever you are right now is exactly where you need to be.

As you become more familiar with the process, become more aware of it, practice it, you are able to move more quickly through it, out of the suffering stages, to acceptance, freedom and peace.

Question everything, out of pure intention and Love for yourself and your own well-being on every single level, mind, body and spirit.

Happy Day! Be well.

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