June 7, 2022

A Life Well-Lived: Thoughts on Gratitude, Impermanence & Responsibility.


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I woke up this morning.

In my tiny beige cabin tucked away in a canyon on a creek.

I made a mug of bitter espresso.

Organic. Package-free. With a drizzle of homemade oat milk.

I opened my backdoor. 

And walked through the tall, still-dormant grasses, down to the water.

There were no bodies of fallen loved ones to step over on my path.

No grieving of a life forever changed.

When I got hungry,

I had tempeh

Made from local chickpeas.

Again, organic and package-free. 

With cabbage and onion from the local farmers’ market.

When I got thirsty, 

I turned on the faucet and filled a secondhand glass with clean water.

When I had enough sun and wind for the day, 

I retreated to my cozy cabin in the canyon.

This world is one of impermanence.

With one single command, a life of comfort can be turned to rubble and ash.

A memory.

We will one day wonder if it was ever really there.

So, practice gratitude.

Remember to be of service.


Be a part of the creation of a world you would like to live in.


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Elyse Royce  |  Contribution: 13,375

author: Elyse Royce

Image: lauraklinke_art/Instagram

Editor: Sukriti Chhopra