June 3, 2022

Courage: Is it Something We Always Have or Something We Learn?

I have an amazing picture of myself when I was five years old—an always smiling, fiery redhead with alert and expressive blue eyes.

Every single time I look at the photo, I think of courage.

Courage: mental or moral strength to venture, persevere and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty.

I look at current pictures of myself and I think, wow, look at how far I’ve come. That’s courage. That’s bravery. That’s perseverance, tenacity, determination.

Is courage something I innately have?

It’s rather obvious that I view myself as someone who has heaps of courage, even starting from the tender age of five. And will you look at me now—still courageous, still tenacious, still determined, bold, brave, and sometimes brazen and b*tchy.

Honestly, no one taught me how to be courageous. As a kid, I always tried new things. I loved the great outdoors. My brother and I always had friends around us. We all rode our bikes until sundown and had so many adventures and life experiences. That was what made us courageous—being a real kid, getting bruised by life, not carrying mounds of stress, and merely being joyful.

On the other hand, if someone feels they don’t possess any courage, it can certainly be taught.

To me, this is akin to someone preparing for their very first jump out of a plane at 2,000 feet. One has no idea how they’re really going to feel until in the air, descending to the earth. That’s courage.

Courage can be innate.

Courage can slowly build upon itself, one year at a time. Courage can be taught by mentors and leaders to willing students and admirers. And once you possess it, the possibilities are endless.

Courage is an important character trait, and if you feel you have loads of it, kudos. You should plan to maintain it, tweak it, and keep it strong for as long as you’re alive. You must diligently work to keep it in check, and you must always listen to your gut.

Never ignore even the subtlest of signals that your body gives you because that’s courage, screaming at you like an annoying inner siren, and until you turn it off with your mind and start exerting your true power in your body and soul, you will not feel self-confident or worthy.

So please keep practicing being courageous. Take more chances. Feel more fear. Dare to go beyond your preconceived limits and boundaries. Surprise yourself. Shock your body. Open your mind. Elevate your sparkling soul.

Calling all courageous folks!

The divine light in me recognizes and bows down to each and every single one of you reading these words. May you be the guide that helps someone else to become as courageous and grounded as you are.


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Stephanie Mezei  |  Contribution: 20,025

author: Stephanie Mezei

Image: Author's own

Editor: Elyane Youssef