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June 12, 2022

Erotic Inspiration

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.

Erotic Inspiration is a delicious phrase, filled with such possibility.

In all aspects of life.

An Erotic Life is so much more than a sexual and genital expression of that energy.

But that’s what so many of us think about when we heat the term ‘erotic’.

For me, Erotic is an expression of the fullness of life. It’s the body, the mind, the heart.

It’s vitality and creativity.

It’s sensual, as in the experience of all of our senses.

It’s nature, and the world, the elements.

And it’s inner nature. An Erotic Nature is a state of being that looks at life in connection, in awareness and presence.

Erotic Inspiration.

Inspiration, breathing in.

Inspiration, feeling.

Inspiration, creating.

Erotic Inspiration, creating in the sensual fullness of life.

Erotic Inspiration, feeling into the fullness of life of the body, of sensation, of the heart.

Erotic Inspiration.

Living a life of spontaneous intimacy, dancing in the moment, dancing with what life offers, the joy and the tears.

Inspiration and gifts are in every moment.

Often in me there are moments of sadness, and in the sadness sometimes comes inspiration to write.

When we live with greater erotic awareness it touches every aspect of our lives.

Sexually, sensually, in work, in relationship.

Erotic is a perception, a state of mind, a state of body.

It’s a greater presence in the body, and in the body in life, in sensation, in feeling.

The awareness of the Erotic in every moment shifts so much within us, in healing, in learning, in growth.

There’s a fullness in the erotic that brings us to what is present rather than lacking.

Which is how we so often look at situations in our lives, what’s not there, what’s missing.

We also look at what’s wrong, rather than what’s possible.

The Erotic shifts us into what’s present, into everything that’s there.

The Erotic dances us into the space of possibility, the space within us, in our bodies and in our hearts.

That’s where our healing lies, that’s where our growth lies.

It’s within us, the Erotic.

Waiting for us to meet it, waiting for us to reach out.

This is where the inspiration is.

And a life of inspiration happens in so many ways.

We often look at that in creative terms, art or writing, music.

And it is that, and it’s all of life.

How we live.

Connecting with everything that’s sensual, that’s alive.

Pulsating, vibrating.


One of the ways inspiration expresses itself in my life is through touch.

And this week it led me to a new massage experience, connecting Heart, Nipples, Breasts, Clitoris.

An experience of energy and pleasure, of healing and release.

All coming together in one experience.


This is a continuous exploration for me, and teaching, sharing it with more people, expands the Erotic Possibility for all of us.

The more we connect with, feel, the Erotic within us.

The more we have experiences like the one I’ve shared, the more inspired we become.

And one expands into the other.

Inspiration expands in all of life.

Our dance expands in all of life.

Possibility expands in all of life.

I have always been able to be inspired by life, by the experiences, the people, what I see, what I hear, what I learn, what I feel.

And having someone in my life after so long inspires me more.

With gratitude to life, to love.


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