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June 26, 2022

Four things to do when you’re not living your purpose

Photo by Johannes Plenio on Pexels.

Lately, I have been feeling lost more frequently than ever before. While this feeling has dropped into my life over the past nine years, I’ve had a variety of changes that have kept me from truly and deeply understanding what it’s trying to teach me. Moving to new cities and exploring all they have to offer, or starting a new job and working long hours for almost a decade has kept me distracted enough from living my truth. I have been on the so called “rat race” to no end.


I started listening to Paolo Coelho’s interview with Oprah where she said most people don’t know what their personal legend in life is, to which the author of The Alchemist remarked They know. It is very difficult to accept that we know what we are supposed to do.”

And it hit me. I have known that my true destiny is to be a writer. To live my purpose through words. But after dabbling in writing during a few emotional setbacks in my life, I gave up. Because it is hard work to hone my craft and to bear my soul on some level for the world to know. It is easier to be emotionally drained by a career I don’t love and to spend my evenings numbing myself through alcohol and Netflix. 


So how do we go from where we are, to where we desire to be? It is a journey and I am no expert, but I know these daily practices are leading me to my path of fulfilling my personal legend.


A daily high intensity, low impact workout

Trust me when I say I do not enjoy working out. It takes every ounce of my being to put on my sneakers, and get into even a 20 minute heart pumping workout to make me feel energized. But the doorway to vitality and creativity lies in moving our bodies. I was amazed at how I went from thinking “what is the point of working a dreaded job which only pay the bills”, to “ok I have a finite amount of time and now I need a game plan”. This mental shift is not something I can attribute to the countless number of self help books I have read, but to the physical act of waking up and working out that has changed my perspective.


Cut the BullS***

Cut out all the things that are standing in your way of living your purpose. I don’t mean making an emotional decision to leave your job – although with the great resignation, many are choosing to opt out. I mean cut the bulls*$% that is in your life. Stop spending your hard earned money on things you don’t need. Stash up your cash so that you can get ready to quit your day job so that you can live the life you want.


My biggest regret is that I didn’t save enough. Had I done so, I would now be in a place to rent an Airbnb in Portugal and spend my days writing and exploring nature. The unnecessary amounts of beauty products and nights out could have easily paid for a few years of living my dream. I realize this is easier said than done when you have family and other’s needs to fulfill. But if you need a little inspiration, I recommend watching Minimalism: A Documentary on the Important Things. 


Forgive yourself often

My wakeup call came when I literally woke up one morning thinking “What have I done? I’m trapped in this rat race that never ends”. First I needed the degree from one of the best university, then the right experience, then the CMA designation, now the CPA designation, and right apartment and all the pleasures in the last decade to try and fill the void that I was only making bigger. But to move on, I had to forgive myself and it is a daily practice I have to be mindful of. I have to forgive myself when I think of all the money I have spent, or when I’m stuck at my desk working on a deadline late at night. Those are the moments I need to remind myself that I have a game plan, and a path forward.


Find a great support system

If you are lucky, you might have a supportive partner or a great friend that has your best interest at heart. Another option is to explore getting a life coach. The reason I say “explore” is because finding a great coach is a process in itself. It starts with you understanding your learning style. I spent thousands of dollars on my first coach and only realized a year in that I couldn’t continue on with our agreement. I wanted someone who was wise and empathetic but who could keep me on track. I needed an inspirational motivator because that’s how I relate. Start inquiring through your network or looking in your local community for coaches who you feel you can connect with.


My journey is only beginning, but I hope it inspires you on your path to living your personal legend. As it is written in The Alchemist, “And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it”.





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