June 28, 2022

Here’s Why You Got Ghosted.

I spent yesterday night watching videos on YouTube.

Before closing the tab, YouTube recommended a video uploaded by Dr. Phil that read, “Dating Expert Matthew Hussey Offers Advice To Woman Who Has Been Ghosted 8 Times.”

When and if you read a title that has both Matthew Hussey and ghosting, you don’t think twice; you watch it.

Hussey, the renowned life/dating coach, gives grounded, real advice that, personally, has never failed me. I’ve been following him for nearly a decade now ever since he released his first book Get the Guy.

Although I have watched most of his videos on Instagram and YouTube, I don’t remember watching something about ghosting. I, in particular, am interested in this topic. The truth is I’ve been ghosted more times than I care to remember.

I wrote about it, I cried over it, and I tried hard to understand why would someone disappear on me without offering any kind of explanation.

Ghosting is jarring—because we have no idea why or how it happens. However, once we discern the reasons, we better comprehend the situation and what prompted that person to leave us hanging.

In only three minutes, Hussey beautifully explains why ghosting happens (I even had to pause the video many times to fully grasp his words). Not only does he talk about ghosting, he also delves deeper into the notion of closure, self-worth, and expectations—three things that play a huge part in someone’s decision to ghost.

Of course, this video doesn’t excuse ghosting; Hussey doesn’t even talk about the ghoster. However, he extensively talks about how our actions and perceptions could be seriously affecting our dating destiny.

That’s not to say that we’re to blame, but understanding the impact of trauma on our relationships can change our dating life forever.

If you’ve ever been ghosted, please watch this video and let me know what you think.


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author: Elyane Youssef

Image: cottonbro/Pexels