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June 5, 2022

How To Improve Posture While Sitting

Photo by on Pexels.

When you take a trip down memory lane, do you see your mother scolding you about the way you sit? Most of us do, yet most of us are guilty of not maintaining the habit. That said, it is never too late to learn how to improve posture while sitting.

Not to mention, it is now more vital than ever! When you spend hours sitting, you expose your body to health risks from back pain to heart disease. Here is a quick guide to better posture for you!

What Leads To Incorrect Posture?

When it comes down to it, posture is a habit. So if someone develops bad posture early, by nature, it can be tough to change.

Your surroundings, too, can influence your posture without you realizing it. For instance, working at a desk that is not ergonomic can cause you to slouch or develop health issues. The reason being, it does not have adequate back support.

Another factor is our increasing dependence on technology. Yes, staring down at your phone or laptop causes neck pain, back pain, and more.

How To Improve Sitting Posture

The wrong posture affects both your health and your work productivity. However, you can overcome such problems with these tips on how to maintain good posture while sitting.

1. Hip And Knee Placement

The first step to the ideal sitting position starts with positioning your lower body right. When you sit, ensure that your knees are at a 90-degree angle. However, you may go a bit wider with your hips, to say around 120 degrees.

2. Flat Feet

When sitting, it is a must that you do not let your feet hang, twist, or rest on the outside. It is best to place them flat on the ground. So if you have trouble doing that, consider using a short stool or an adjustable footrest.

3. Sit On Your Sitting Bones

Yes, you read that right. Your body has two sitting bones at the bottom of your pelvis. So the answer to the question, how to improve posture while sitting, is: sit right on these bones!

If you sit in front of them, it will curve your lower back and strain your muscles. However, sit behind them, and it will make you slouch. In turn, that can cause lower back pain, strain, or sometimes even disc injury!

4. Practice Deep Breathing

Did you know your diaphragm plays a role not only in breathing but also affects your posture? Yes, the diaphragm’s vertical movement affects how you sit. So practicing diaphragmatic or belly breathing can improve your posture considerably.

5. Hold Your Head Up High

Remember, the head attaches to the spine. So once your body is in a comfortable sitting position, try to bring your head back. The perfect posture will have your ears align with your shoulders.

Wrap Up

Since good sitting posture is a habit, it takes practice to perfect. Remember learning how to keep good posture while sitting is super easy. However, implementing the same will take time. The key here is to keep trying until you succeed!

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