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June 1, 2022

How to Travel Sustainably

Traveling is a wonderful way to view the world. It gives people first-hand experience with different cultures and can create beautiful memories. Yet today’s travelers tend to be more conscientious than their past counterparts. We’re now more aware of the ramifications of our actions.

This raises the question, is it possible to travel sustainably? The short answer is yes, though it does take some effort. Many travel destinations are doing their part to limit the adverse effects of tourism, but it is up to travelers to do their part as well. Here are some tips on how to travel sustainably.

Choose Different Destinations

Many people have a travel bucket list – the places they want to see before they die. However, it is essential to understand that Overtourism is very much a thing, and it can be an active danger to historic cities and destinations. Overtourism happens when too many travelers all visit the same place. The natural wear and tear that occurs are accelerated due to these footsteps, among other concerns.

One way to help avoid Overtourism is by choosing a different destination. In other words, try to get off the beaten path and enjoy a new adventure that is uniquely yours. Best of all, these experiences will likely be more authentic and less crowded.

Carbon Offsetting

Carbon footprints have become better understood over the last few years, and while some parts of travel will always cause carbon footprints, there are ways to offset them. This is called carbon offsetting.

Use an online carbon footprint calculator to understand what the offset will be for your trip. Then try to find ways to cut down on your carbon footprint in other aspects of your life, to help balance things out. Alternatively, you can use the same calculator to buy a carbon offset (be sure to use a reputable source!).

Avoid Single-Use Plastics

Avoiding single-use plastics can be difficult, especially when one is traveling. However, any effort to reduce the use of these plastics will help the environment. Consider all the single-use plastics available while traveling: hotel shampoo bottles, water bottles, grocery bags, etc. Try to avoid using these items by choosing more sustainable alternatives.

Support the Local Economy

Many people travel because they want to see the world and experience new cultures. Give back to those you are visiting by supporting local businesses. Do so directly by shopping at those stores, eating at local restaurants, and utilizing local transportation.

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