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June 3, 2022

4 Ways to Make a Difference in this Moment

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.

Did anyone ever tell you that your smile brightens their day? Well, it does! Whether you know it or not, the little things you do can really make someone’s life turn around. It’s the simplest gestures that change our world. All you need is to be yourself and wear your heart on your sleeve.


But how will we help people when there’s so many viruses spreading around the world? How will we smile at someone when we are wearing a face mask all the time? How will we reach out hand out to others when we are social distancing ourselves from others? These are normal thoughts to have, but don’t worry, you’re only one call away. 


Here are small acts that I believe will not just make someone else’s day, but your day!


Here it goes:

  1. Look people in the eye with your happy heart and say “thank you”

Wherever you go, whether it’s Wal-Mart, the hospital, mall, take time to notice the people that are working. It takes courage to work out there, especially during the covid-19. Saying thank you to these people will remind them that they’re doing a great job. Remember, there is always someone out there who wants you to feel safe and well.


So as they hold the door for you or give you your ordered food, feel loved.


2. Stay home more


Besides going out to get food, water, medicine, and everything else that’s important, it’s best to stay home. At a time like this, our loved ones need us the most, and the best we can do right now is be there for them.


Even if we can’t really hide from the virus, staying home allows us to be away from the exposure to the virus. There could be people out there that may not even know that they just caught the virus and there could be people that are out there with the virus. Therefore, with a lot of social distancing, wearing our masks, and staying home, we can make a huge difference to this world.


Remember, we are in this together. There are times I panic when I sneeze or my nose is stuffy. I have to remind myself that it’s my responsibility to take care of myself to protect my family from the virus just like they do the same for me. So when you come home from shopping for food or some clothes, take a shower, put your clothes that you wore on your basket, and wash your hands while singing happy birthday (at least three times).


3. Wear your mask when you go out


I really appreciate the masks I’m receiving.  There are so many people out there making masks. My mom bought masks from the hospital, and honestly I really liked the designs on it. So pick your favorite mask on before you get out and enjoy the groove of the day.


I know wearing masks can make you feel unsatisfied or as if you aren’t able to breathe in the fresh air. It’s okay to breathe the air once in a while, but remember the mask is just to make sure you’re safe and responsible for yourself like everyone else.


4. Stay Safe


This world is dangerous. It’s not the same as it used to be. But it can get better if we all try. It’s always good to have people in your life that remind you to be safe and makes you feel safe. For me, that’s my family and my close friends.


Just by telling people in your life to stay safe and be careful before they do anything, can really help them. So keep your distance with strangers, carefully approach people, and stay strong.


I personally have been in many situations with strangers that followed me behind my back and I had to slowly leave them without knowing. Their smile deceived me and though they acted friendly, on the inside they were judging me. My advice, don’t tell them straightforwardly to leave you alone or they’ll bother you more and possibly attack you. Just quietly submerge away.


I hope these tips help you, and that you are safe and with your loved ones. Enjoy your day. Peace.

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