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June 23, 2022

Self Talk.

Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Pexels.

On mornings when I feel a sad sort of nothingness

The days I feel like a failure even though the world sees success

When God hears my body screaming

But the world sees me put together

When My heart is crying

But the world sees me smiling

When My tears are falling

But the world hears me singing

Over my fears

things that are out of my control

On those days

I am void of familiar feelings

I am sad




When I retreat into myself and push the world away

I repeat this to myself as if speaking to a friend

I want to share it with you

You are my friend

I will not give up on you

Even when you wish I would

Even when you push everything else away

You are lonely

You are sad

You may even be really angry

That’s alright

That’s being human

And sometimes life gets messy

But you are also magic

one of a kind

You are loved


Breathe this in

Keep on going

You are worth it

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