June 27, 2022

There’s never been a better time to not eat Animals.

As someone who’s been vegan for a relatively long time, can I just offer some gratitude for the newer vegans out there?

I’m sitting drinking coffee in Stanley Marketplace, they asked if I wanted any pastry, I said, well, I’m vegan boy, you probably don’t have anything…and the guy smiled and said, yes, we have a vegan cookie!

I’m in!

He then asked how long I’d been vegan, said he’s veggie, asked about the transition.

I offered that it had been intimidating to go from veggie for 6 years to vegan, but wound up not being that hard. And now it’s much easier, thanks to so many folks caring and being vegan and asking for options. This is how the world changes. You have power! Don’t give it up–at the voting booth, or at the cash register.

I’m just back from being a presenter and doing a book signing in Telluride, and stopped in mountain towns on the way up and back down. Everywhere we went it was relatively easy to find great, delicious, healthy, yummy vegan options. Let’s keep it going!

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