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June 26, 2022

“When you strike a woman, you strike a rock.”Never mind the Republicans or the Democrats, the Catholics won.

I came back to SA from an extended stay India in October last year, partly because I’d seen images of the Zulu nation marching and dancing in the streets of Johannesburg in opposition to the mandatory jab. We have a rich history in this country of standing up to oppression.
With the latest move to steal the next (big) bit of sovereignity and bodily integrity they have struck all, but really, the blow falls on women.
I’ve seen memes by women calling on men to stand by them
And I saw a Marianne Williamson meme that said,
if the universe has a voice, it is saying this now,
“Women, over to you.”.
We have a well known saying in South Africa.
“When you strike a woman, you strike a rock.”
This ruling is just the next step that follows on the loss of bodily integrity that so many acquiesced to in the last 2 years.  The battle is intensifying, and it’s time for humanity to stand together for freedom.
The attempt at mandating travel, work and school passes are too close a resemblance to Nazi Germany and Apartheid South Africa not to notice.
The hand that rocks the cradle – Women shape the destiny of a tribe. Women sitting back and letting men ‘do the hard work’, like running countries has resulted in some stupid political movements and national and international disasters, and in the absence of any visible system, power hungry foxes take over the hen house.
We need to organize ourselves better.
Or create another parallel system.
Relying on nanny states is not the answer either,
too much control in that socialist dream,
not enough freedom it seems.
Of course there is no need for central government, as humans can self-regulate in their own communities.
Yet it seems that if we don’t take care of business, greedy people will try to run the show.
Taking care of business means taking care of human society – nothing other than taking care of the evolution of human consciousness, both individual and collective.
Yes, this is a collective effort, but boy, do I wish women would enter the political arena, and this might just be the catalyst we need.
Gird your loins.
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