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July 8, 2022

4 Important Tips To Follow To Ensure Stray Animal Welfare

Photo by Skyler Ewing on Pexels.

An embodiment of innocence, animals are voiceless creatures who deserve to live with as much dignity and joy as us humans. Unfortunately, stray animals in particular have to endure several struggles on an everyday basis simply to survive. There are countless homeless dogs and cats roaming the streets all over India, who often become the victims of potential dangers such as harsh weather conditions, attacks from fellow animals, vehicular accidents, etc. If you have the desire to ease their woes, you can do so by searching online for “animal welfare near me” and finding a credible NGO that can provide you the right assistance.

There Are 4 Important Tips That You Must Follow To Ensure The Welfare Of Stray Animals While Helping Them. They Are As Under:

  • Maintain Caution While Interacting With The Animal

There are certain cautionary measures that you must observe before you help out a stray animal in need. You should always note its appearance and behaviour first before approaching it. Unvaccinated stray dogs and cats can sometimes be carriers of rabies which they can transmit to humans through bites. You must keep your distance if the animal displays any obvious symptoms of rabies like aggression, drooling, balance problems, etc. and call for help. But if the stray looks normal and friendly, then you can try to gently coax it into a pet carrier or your car.

  • Look For Collar Id Tags Or Microchips

Sometimes, a stray animal that you see on the road could be someone’s pet who went missing. Hence, you must always look for a collar ID tag on the animal if any which could have the owner’s information on it. Nowadays some pets are also microchipped, so if there is no collar ID tag you may take the animal to a vet’s clinic or a shelter to have it scanned for any microchip under their skin. If a microchip is detected, it may provide you with important information that can aid you in locating the pet’s owner.

  • Get The Animal A Check-Up From A Veterinarian

Stray animals can pick up numerous germs or parasites while living on the streets. As an animal lover you can care for your local strays by scheduling a wellness check-up for them at a vet’s clinic near you. They can examine the animals for any external issues like skin infections, pest infestation, etc. that require treatment. Additionally, they may also get their faecal, urine or blood tests done to detect any internal problems. After running the necessary tests, the vet can provide the animals with vaccination, deworming, and other essential treatment as required.

  • Contact An Animal Ngo In Case Of Confusion

There may arise a complicated situation wherein you find it confusing to help a stray animal in need of urgent help. In such cases, you can get in touch with a reliable animal NGO in Mumbai or your city that can give you appropriate guidance and assist you in helping the animal.

Therefore, you must make a note of all these things before helping out stray animals. With these tips, you can play a vital role in ensuring a happy and healthy life for your four-legged friends.

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